Thursday, August 16, 2018

Relationship and past life

Relationship issues are linked with your past life.

A 34 years woman came to know the reasons for not being able to leave her boyfriend, with whom relationship for last ten years did not materialize in to wedlock and now engaged for a year but feels resistance in fixing marriage date and frequently unexplained chest pain.


I am in a beautiful palatial home.  A beautiful girl is painting, she is my sister. This is English culture. I am a handsome 6 ft 2 inch tall 24 years old Royal boy. Servants are standing in line with bowed heads waiting for command.

I am going in a Chariot and reach a beautiful house. A little girl comes out and hugs my legs. A beautiful woman is coming towards me. We are having food. Now the woman is fighting and throwing things. Little girl called me Dad. The woman is my love but I cannot marry her because of my royalty.  The little girl is my daughter. My love is pregnant. She wants me to marry her but I am afraid of losing everything. This house is very far away from my palace. She is very much nagging now and crying. Daughter is also crying. I cut the discussion short and leave for my palace.

This time I came after months as now she is giving birth to my baby. A baby boy is given to me. I am very happy. I told her that I will marry her no matter what. After staying for few days I returned back to my palace. My father is very sick and mother is crying. My mother is dressed up as a queen. My father passes away.

After a month I brought my woman, daughter and son to palace. We went to meet my mother. I told my mother these are my kids and I will marry her. My mother said she is not a royal and spoke other mean things. But I am not able to do anything. We left the palace for her house and started living there.    

She is telling me that she will never leave me and find me in every life because our love is much stronger than anything.

One day minister with guards came to take me. They asked me to go with them otherwise they will use force. I told her I will come back. The guards took me somewhere else far away from the place. I am always guarded. After some time I am shifted to the palace. Queen got me married but I did not touch my wife.

Queen died. I go back to my woman’s house and enter inside looking for her. My daughter is grown up and son is still young. He is looking at me. I m searching for her and my daughter told me she is dead. I am crying. My daughter is not ready to come with me. I am back in the palace. I lost interest in all things. I am 73 old and weak. I am lying on bed surrounded by people.  Death came easily in the afternoon. My last thought was that I am going to be with her. It was a lonely life for me. Lesson learnt is that Love is everything I need. My burial is with royalty. It’s Portugal 1857. The name written on tomb stone is Sir Henry.

In light, severe pain in heart is felt as if a deep sadness is released. Many guidances given by Masters and Guru.

Reorientation…..I understood my confusion about mine two relationships because one was my love and other was my wife in past life. My daughter is my present life Aunt who gives me a lot of stress. I feel unexplained tendency of severe chest pain on and off is released today. Thank you very much doctor Vandana for helping me find answers. It will help me to take decision now. The woman whom I loved is my boyfriend in my present life. The woman who was my wife and neglected whole life is my present life fiancé.

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