Past Life Regression , Life Between Lives Regression, Age regression, Inner child healing, regression on Skype by Dr.Vandana Rraghuvanshi phone 09872880634
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Saturday, December 16, 2017
In the simplest form, it is reasonable to look at life as a series of relationships -some momentary, some perpetual. However, the way we deal with these relationships is dependent entirely on the thought process through which we approach them. To understand why you behave in perticuler manner with someone , Or someone always behave in a manner which hurt you...Take a Past Life regression session .. You will understand it.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
A 17 year girl came for past life regression session, she is sharing her experience with all of you..... Why I need Regression??? · Because I feel I am shy and I am afraid of keeping my point of view · Sleeplessness sometimes causes irritation and scary dreams · Why do I keep my emotion inside me? · Why m I not able to share my feeling with anyone? · Unexplained body pain and fatigue, tiredness, pain in legs off and on. Regression session...... When I had entered the first door of my life and saw myself in a pretty pink dress. I was 3 years old at that time. My room was full of toys, games, cars, and all. I was a very shy kind of girl and was always afraid of talking to anyone. But my mother was very loving and caring mom. My father never understood me and my feelings. In my school days I was very afraid to answer questions thinking that the answer would be wrong. But in my college life I was totally changed because when I reached my college and saw that no one cares about what you say whether right or wrong you just have to answer. So at that time all my shyness, cowardness was released out. After completing my college I was offered with a job abroad. My father and elder brother refused to this proposal. But at that time my mother told that I also have the same right as my brother have to work, so I and my mother went to abroad for 2 years we both were working. After one year when we came back from abroad. My brother got married. After the arrival of his wife the whole atmosphere of our house was changed everyone understood the importance of one another. After 2 years of my brother’s marriage my father’s friend got the marriage proposal for me also. It was an arranged marriage with all the rituals like a South Indian family does. I had got married. I was very happy with my parent’s decision. My mother in law and father in law both loved me a lot. I and my husband had a very good bonding but sometimes due to our working hours and stress we both used to fight. But everything changed after 2 years when we had our baby boy. He was the cutest boy of the world. Everyone loved him a lot. Slowly and slowly due to our boy my relation with husband got more loving. But after some years when I had continued with my job while coming back from school I had met with an accident with a truck which was the disastrous moment of my life. I was fully fractured. After sometime doctors refused because my lower body was damaged and I could not stand ever again. During those days my husband used to stay whole day with me taking care of time and my son used to love a lot which made me cry and feel what I always wanted in my childhood, the love of my parents, my brother which I was getting now. Those last days of my life were the most happening days by being in the bed. Both the families were together, all were sitting next to me as I saw mother entering the room , I wanted to talk to her but all of a sudden I lost my breathe. I was no more. I just wanted to thank my mom for whatever she had done for me, for her love. Those last moments of my life were the happiest moments, but I got the happiness at cost of my severe illness. When I, left the body , my body was still painfull, dr.vandana guides me to light. As , I entered in light , i felt calm and healed.It was amazing experience. After 10 Days: · Mind Relaxed · No Body Pains · Happy at heart · Weight Loss · Speak Freely now
Saturday, December 9, 2017
beautiful explanation on Karmic relationship by Vijay Reddy "The relationship that drives people crazy with anger & frustration are from a past life. These are the people who really get under your skin & exasperate you endlessly. Very often, these karmic relationships are with people in your immediate family. Karmic relationships mean that you’ve had prior lifetimes with this person & you both were sent back to be together to work things out peacefully. This was your soul’s choice, although it was probably highly pushed upon you by your guides & angels who helped you script out much of your life. Usually a karmic relationship is someone with whom you had a battle or other harsh circumstances. You returned together in this lifetime to ensure that you’d work things out, and clear both of your energies. If you don’t clear the energies in this lifetime, you’ll be pressured to continue to incarnate with this soul again and again and again. And each lifetime, his or her relationship to you will continue to be close, either through genetics & familial bonds, or through friendship, marriage, or career. So, that annoying co-worker could be your mother or husband next lifetime unless you clear the energy with her in this one. You’re brought together with the other soul so that you can forgive him or her. This doesn’t mean forgiving their actions. It means detoxing your soul by releasing anger toward them. You don’t have to hang out with the person, but you do need to release old pent-up toxic feelings. Holding in old anger is caustic & unhealthful. It’s also a waste of time & energy to blame that person for family dramas & your own upset. Blaming is a projection of our ego, where we don’t own our own shadows and ego issues, and we put them in the basket labeled: “It’s their fault.” And while it may be true that that person is the instigator of traumas, blaming him or her doesn’t help the situation and doesn’t balance the karma between you. Breaking the Karmic Cycle The first step to break this karmic cycle is for you to take responsibility for its presence in your life. Your soul agreed to be with this person because it was necessary for your spiritual progress. So forgiving yourself is the ultimate secret to healing everything in all directions of time. This involves forgiving yourself for entering this relationship whenever you did in the distant past lifetime. You probably were given red-flag warnings by your angels then, which you chose to ignore or override. Forgive yourself for ignoring those red flags, and vow to listen from now on. Life lessons only count if we learn from them. You get infuriated by how this person behaves. But this is how this individual’s personality works and has always worked. You were the one who chose to try to be in a relationship with him or her long, long ago. You were the one who decided that all of those red flags that your angels sent you didn’t matter. You were the one who decided that you could change or fix the person. Now it’s time to let go of that fantasy that this person could be as you desire or dream him or her to be. You’re not the other person’s Source, nor are you the author of his or her life scripts. Karmic relationships are akin to having a tug-of-war. They’re power plays, where one person will pull and the other person will pull back. No one wins in karmic power plays. But when one person drops his or her side of the rope (through the process of forgiving him- or herself for getting into this tug-of-war in the first place), the power struggle stops. Use prayers for forgiveness for other and self. Saying bless you to the soul. Find reasons to be grateful.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Saturday, November 25, 2017
#SurrogatePastLifeRegression is possible Surrogate Past life Regression… Session is shared by the person who had this session with me…. Surrogate regression was taken by myself for my brother. Issue for which session was taken was my brother's relationship with a girl from past 7 years, he wanted to marry her but my parents were not ready as they wanted him to first get settled in life and then get married. My brother who left studies after higher secondary wanted to start a construction bussiness but my father who is a retired person had limited resources and was not well from past few years so cannot help my brother. He wanted that my brother should go abroad, be independent by himself to run a family and then get married but girl's parents were continuously pressurising for marriage. This lead to blame game, as my brother started blaming parents that because of them he is not able to earn and not getting married. My brother started misbheaving with parents and use to threat them that he'll commit suicide. Then I approached Dr. Vandana and she suggested me to take a surrogate regression for my brother. On the day of regression doctor took me into deep hypnotic trans. Session beginned with seeking permission from my higher self and my brother's higher self to further proceed for PLR. After permission was granted, I was taken to most important past life of my brother which was affecting the present. It was 18th century life, in England. Entered the life as young 5 years old child with curly hair (same as he is having in his present life) and his name was Sam. With entering only into this past life crying beginned. Doctor asked to observe what happened to him. Saw that he was playing a with ball and was happy, then had a fight with young girl who was also playing with him and girl slapped him ( found that young girl to be myself, sister in his past life also, similar fights we had in our present childhood also). In next scene, he was sitting on table and having dinner with father( same father in present life) and was happy, father loves him alot. Next I was asked to observe important event affecting present life. Sam was now 12 or 13 years old sitting on a wooden swing with a girl and holding her hand. Both were in love and the girl was his present life girlfriend also. Doctor asked to see what happens next. In next scene, he was 17 years old boy sitting depressed on chair and suddenly he gets up from chair go towards wooden almirah, opens it and picks up a revolver and shoot himself in his right forehead (in present life also he use to have severe headache on right side). Doctor asked to see why he shot himself and is there someone with him. Saw him lying in a pool of blood in his mother's lap (same mother in present life also) but reason for which he committed suicide was not found. Then doctor said life got over and took Sam's soul to very higher plane and ask to see down in life and find the reason. Then saw Sam begging before his girlfriend's parents to let him meet her and he wanted to marry her. But they didn't allowed as they wanted him to bring money from home and told him they will marry their daughter to him only when he brings them money, they were greedy. In next scene, he steals money and jewellery from home and gives it to his girlfriend's parents but they wanted him to bring more and didn't allowed him to meet girl (in present life also he use to take money from mother by lying to her that he needs it and then buy expensive gifts for his girlfriend). Sam started remaining depressed, his mother made lot of efforts to make him understand that they are not good people and he should forget about girl as we don't have the amount of money they are asking for but he was adamant that he'll only marry that girl. He goes to his girlfriend's house daily and begs in front of her parents but they didn't said yes to his proposal. After sometime they married their daughter to some rich man and girl was also happy with her husband. After this event Sam was under severe depression and ended his life. Then Dr.Vandana took the soul to seek master light's guidance. Guidance came that he should go abroad. After guidance healing was given and lot of blackness got released from body of my brother. Dr. Vandana also released all the unwanted chords from his aura. Then 2nd life came of a married woman. Husband was present life girlfriend. I was asked to observe important event. Saw husband was hitting wife with a wooden stick. Reason behind was wife didn't brought enough dowry. In next scene, saw husband left the wife and started living with another women. Wife couldn't bear this and ended her life by jumping in a river. After death soul was brought up and healing was given by doctor to release suicidal tendencies which remained in both lifes and in present life also my brother use to threaten parents for ending life himself. Results: My brother ended up relationship with the girl. Now he understands that his parents were right, respects them more. He has moved abroad now. All of us thank and bless dr.vandana raghuvanshi , for her wonderful work.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
If you’ve ever wondered why you have a fear of heights or look into the eyes of a stranger and feel as if you know them, the answers may be found in your past lives, says Brian Weiss, MD, the author of Miracles Happen. As told to Joan Podrazik 1. That Old, Familiar Feeling Through past-life regression, Dr. Brian Weiss says it’s possible to heal — and grow — your mind, body and soul, as well as strengthen your present-day relationships. He says one of the most common signs of a past life is déjà vu — the sensation that you have met a person before or have visited someplace previously. Sometimes, this déjà vu feeling is a sign of a past life with a particular person or in a specific place. For example, a patient of mine began having anxiety attacks while on her honeymoon in Greece. When she and her husband left for Rome, the anxiety attacks completely disappeared. When she saw me as a patient, we did a past life regression and found that she had been killed in ancient Greece. Her anxiety attacks stemmed from that lifetime even though she did not know why at the time. 2. Your Dreams Are So Real It’s Like You’re Actually There Do you have vivid, detailed dreams of yourself in different times and places? That might be a past life memory emerging. As I’ve written in my book, past-life recollections aren’t always actual memories: they may also contain symbols and metaphors that need to be interpreted so that their meaning and message can become clear. These symbols are no less powerful than literal ones. Think of these past-life scenes more as a poem than a history text. 3. You Got An A In History (Without Even Trying) Talents and abilities, likes and dislikes, and attractions and aversions can also be clues to past lives. You might feel yourself being drawn to certain people or to certain cultures, even if you’ve never visited them. You might find you are able to learn certain subjects or prepare for a profession more easily than others. For example, a particular foreign language might come quicker to you, while others are more difficult. Or you may have an intense interest in certain historical times and events, such as ancient Egypt or the Civil War period. 4. You Have a Soul Mate It is very common to travel through different lives with the same group of souls — I call these groupings, soul mates or soul companions, or soul families. We seem to learn our spiritual lessons and accumulate or resolve our karma with our soul groups. Relationships may change from life to life, but the souls are the same. For example, your grandmother might reincarnate as your grandson. In this sense we never lose our loved ones, because we are always being reunited either on the other side or back here in physical bodies. In Miracles Happen, I describe many cases of soul recognition. In one case, Michelle, whose mother died when Michelle was a small child, was comforted to find that she and her mother were together before in the Middle Ages. They were husband and wife at that time. Brian L. Weiss, MD, is the author of Miracles Happen.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Sunday, September 24, 2017
#PastLifeStory #Chandigarh Past life regression of housewife with complain of unexplained headache and depression.She said dr.vandana , my headache is making my life difficult. I want to know the root cause of it. I feel it is coming from some past life event. Session…. I am wearing a long overcoat and cap. There are snow clad mountains around. My heart is sinking due to fear. I am standing silently in a crowd. People are shouting at a boy. He did something wrong to someone. I am feeling ashamed because I also have affair with him. I reach home. I am feeling very lonely. My family doesn’t love me. I got married. My husband is very dull person. He drinks also. I remember that boy often and feel like meeting him but am afraid he may harass me later on. I have gone into a cocoon. I am suffering from depression now. It’s already late evening my husband has not returned home. I leave home. I feel like crying (visibly cried a lot). It’s getting dark but I keep on walking. A vehicle is approaching in my direction. Suddenly I walk to the front of the approaching vehicle as it reached near me. I am hit in the head and having severe pain. I am sinking. I am dead. REORIENTATION……….. She said....I did one suicide attempt in my present life. I am suffering from headache since my childhood. I have a dull married life.I feel today I understand about my present life issues. thanks you dr. vandana..hope I will come again to find more answers...
#PastLifeStory #Chandigarh Past life regression of housewife with complain of unexplained headache and depression.She said dr.vandana , my headache is making my life difficult. I want to know the root cause of it. I feel it is coming from some past life event. Session…. I am wearing a long overcoat and cap. There are snow clad mountains around. My heart is sinking due to fear. I am standing silently in a crowd. People are shouting at a boy. He did something wrong to someone. I am feeling ashamed because I also have affair with him. I reach home. I am feeling very lonely. My family doesn’t love me. I got married. My husband is very dull person. He drinks also. I remember that boy often and feel like meeting him but am afraid he may harass me later on. I have gone into a cocoon. I am suffering from depression now. It’s already late evening my husband has not returned home. I leave home. I feel like crying (visibly cried a lot). It’s getting dark but I keep on walking. A vehicle is approaching in my direction. Suddenly I walk to the front of the approaching vehicle as it reached near me. I am hit in the head and having severe pain. I am sinking. I am dead. REORIENTATION……….. She said....I did one suicide attempt in my present life. I am suffering from headache since my childhood. I have a dull married life.I feel today I understand about my present life issues. thanks you dr. vandana..hope I will come again to find more answers...
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Read this wonderful Past Life regression session story...
A beautiful Journey: Past Life Regression , everyone will love to read.
An interesting regression. Will try to write in short. A young, married women, age30 yrs, married, topper in studies...very beautiful... Looks seems combination of beautiful features...only single session done, three lives covered...instant regression..
.1st life.
Year 1140...i am a girl, wearing dear skin cloths, age 25 years, living in Gangotri, an ashram, since childhood, as I am an orphan, but most cared by others in ashram. This ashram is having Shiva statue. I have taken diksha. I am a Brahma Chari. We are going kashi for Kashi Vishwanath Darshan with our head of the ashram. I stayed there, then I went to Lumbvini, it is in Nepal. I stayed and did have siddhiya by tapsya. I am a bhikhshuni... I meditate whole day. I see now we all are going to bless a marriage ceremony in is a very big palace. We are blessing the boy, who is to be married. His name is dhritu. I am 35 year old now. When dhritu saw me, he refused to get married to the other girl. A lot of things are happening. We are coming back. His father is standing with us with folded hand. Some one from us is telling something. Regarding marriage, I am too upset to listen these things. We are leaving the patliputra.but I did not accepted dhritu proposal. But I know, I liked the thought of his love for me. I am varying sad. Meri tapsya bhang ho gayi, toot gayi... now I am in kashi sang math. I am 50 years old. I am head. I am sick. Mera dil me khrabi hay. Breathing problem hai. Dhritu is here to take care math and me. He is still unmarried. He devoted his life for me.
(.actually dhritu is my life husband.).......then death...lesson learned...duty is important.
2nd life......
.year.1803 I am a beautiful girl in Palestine area. They are calling me malika. I have four brothers, my father is very rich. I am very much pampered. I am very proud, in nature. An Indian man comes to teach me sitar. Now we love each other. Abbas, my elder brother now know this. I am too sad. Abbas killed my sitar teacher. Sitar teacher was in fact dhritu, of last life; he is my present life husband. I am. Going to Paris for change but not happy. Time is passing. I am not ready to come back. Abbas is sad. He takes so much pains, comes to meet me. His wife also comes. Now I understands my brothers love for me, so I am getting married to some one my family choose. A lot of story......................death. Lesson compassionate.
(Two very imp present life people...Abbas, the brother and his son and Ayaa.The mousi in this life. Integrated in this life.)
3rd life
i am a girl, 12 year, golden hair, my name is rose. I am on ship with my nanny (caretaker). My mother is dead, so my father is sending me to my grand parents, I am leaving father do some work there. I am growing in beautiful women. I study and good in it. My grandfather is dead. I live with my grand mother and house is beautiful. I am happy, I love someone, and he loves me. Actually (you know... he is the same dhritu& sitar teacher). I am going somewhere. It is big building, it is airport. My friend came to airport to see me off. I am upset. I complained about my father to govt. I think he is a spy. Some Budapest regency...Nazi...these thoughts are coming in mind. Oh, I want to tell my father, what I did. Oh father is here. At airport. He is coming. Ahhhhh. He shot me.i am dead. He killed himself. My lover...he is so sad...lesson. Learned.....i should not have taken a hasty decision .one should make proper inquiry, before any conclusion .he was not a wrong man. I am feeling uselessness now.....very long silence....
After PLR: Reorientation and integration....
Very much scared at airport. Chest problems without medical cause. Chest hurts a lot without any reason.
Some azeeb sa birth mark on chest. In this time.
Present husband......they met at airport. He came to pick her, official work. Not each was love at first site for both. In this life also uska rokaa ho chukka tha.he refused for that rishta. They got married with efforts of Mamaji of her husband. Mamaji was father of dhritu in year.1140.
She feels very much connected with Lahore, London and Paris.
Four other relations in present life were in other lives.
Conclusion....dhritu (1140), sitar teacher (1803), a friend and love (1932) same person.... all the time and husband in this life...
Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi, Chandigarh...09872880634
An interesting regression. Will try to write in short. A young, married women, age30 yrs, married, topper in studies...very beautiful... Looks seems combination of beautiful features...only single session done, three lives covered...instant regression..
.1st life.
Year 1140...i am a girl, wearing dear skin cloths, age 25 years, living in Gangotri, an ashram, since childhood, as I am an orphan, but most cared by others in ashram. This ashram is having Shiva statue. I have taken diksha. I am a Brahma Chari. We are going kashi for Kashi Vishwanath Darshan with our head of the ashram. I stayed there, then I went to Lumbvini, it is in Nepal. I stayed and did have siddhiya by tapsya. I am a bhikhshuni... I meditate whole day. I see now we all are going to bless a marriage ceremony in is a very big palace. We are blessing the boy, who is to be married. His name is dhritu. I am 35 year old now. When dhritu saw me, he refused to get married to the other girl. A lot of things are happening. We are coming back. His father is standing with us with folded hand. Some one from us is telling something. Regarding marriage, I am too upset to listen these things. We are leaving the patliputra.but I did not accepted dhritu proposal. But I know, I liked the thought of his love for me. I am varying sad. Meri tapsya bhang ho gayi, toot gayi... now I am in kashi sang math. I am 50 years old. I am head. I am sick. Mera dil me khrabi hay. Breathing problem hai. Dhritu is here to take care math and me. He is still unmarried. He devoted his life for me.
(.actually dhritu is my life husband.).......then death...lesson learned...duty is important.
2nd life......
.year.1803 I am a beautiful girl in Palestine area. They are calling me malika. I have four brothers, my father is very rich. I am very much pampered. I am very proud, in nature. An Indian man comes to teach me sitar. Now we love each other. Abbas, my elder brother now know this. I am too sad. Abbas killed my sitar teacher. Sitar teacher was in fact dhritu, of last life; he is my present life husband. I am. Going to Paris for change but not happy. Time is passing. I am not ready to come back. Abbas is sad. He takes so much pains, comes to meet me. His wife also comes. Now I understands my brothers love for me, so I am getting married to some one my family choose. A lot of story......................death. Lesson compassionate.
(Two very imp present life people...Abbas, the brother and his son and Ayaa.The mousi in this life. Integrated in this life.)
3rd life
i am a girl, 12 year, golden hair, my name is rose. I am on ship with my nanny (caretaker). My mother is dead, so my father is sending me to my grand parents, I am leaving father do some work there. I am growing in beautiful women. I study and good in it. My grandfather is dead. I live with my grand mother and house is beautiful. I am happy, I love someone, and he loves me. Actually (you know... he is the same dhritu& sitar teacher). I am going somewhere. It is big building, it is airport. My friend came to airport to see me off. I am upset. I complained about my father to govt. I think he is a spy. Some Budapest regency...Nazi...these thoughts are coming in mind. Oh, I want to tell my father, what I did. Oh father is here. At airport. He is coming. Ahhhhh. He shot me.i am dead. He killed himself. My lover...he is so sad...lesson. Learned.....i should not have taken a hasty decision .one should make proper inquiry, before any conclusion .he was not a wrong man. I am feeling uselessness now.....very long silence....
After PLR: Reorientation and integration....
Very much scared at airport. Chest problems without medical cause. Chest hurts a lot without any reason.
Some azeeb sa birth mark on chest. In this time.
Present husband......they met at airport. He came to pick her, official work. Not each was love at first site for both. In this life also uska rokaa ho chukka tha.he refused for that rishta. They got married with efforts of Mamaji of her husband. Mamaji was father of dhritu in year.1140.
She feels very much connected with Lahore, London and Paris.
Four other relations in present life were in other lives.
Conclusion....dhritu (1140), sitar teacher (1803), a friend and love (1932) same person.... all the time and husband in this life...
Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi, Chandigarh...09872880634
Wonderful Past Life regression session conducted by Dr Vandana Raghuvanshi, A world renowned Past Life regression therapist..
A beautiful Journey: Past Life Regression , everyone will love to read.
An interesting regression. Will try to write in short. A young, married women, age30 yrs, married, topper in studies...very beautiful... Looks seems combination of beautiful features...only single session done, three lives covered...instant regression..
.1st life.
Year 1140...i am a girl, wearing dear skin cloths, age 25 years, living in Gangotri, an ashram, since childhood, as I am an orphan, but most cared by others in ashram. This ashram is having Shiva statue. I have taken diksha. I am a Brahma Chari. We are going kashi for Kashi Vishwanath Darshan with our head of the ashram. I stayed there, then I went to Lumbvini, it is in Nepal. I stayed and did have siddhiya by tapsya. I am a bhikhshuni... I meditate whole day. I see now we all are going to bless a marriage ceremony in is a very big palace. We are blessing the boy, who is to be married. His name is dhritu. I am 35 year old now. When dhritu saw me, he refused to get married to the other girl. A lot of things are happening. We are coming back. His father is standing with us with folded hand. Some one from us is telling something. Regarding marriage, I am too upset to listen these things. We are leaving the patliputra.but I did not accepted dhritu proposal. But I know, I liked the thought of his love for me. I am varying sad. Meri tapsya bhang ho gayi, toot gayi... now I am in kashi sang math. I am 50 years old. I am head. I am sick. Mera dil me khrabi hay. Breathing problem hai. Dhritu is here to take care math and me. He is still unmarried. He devoted his life for me.
(.actually dhritu is my life husband.).......then death...lesson learned...duty is important.
2nd life......
.year.1803 I am a beautiful girl in Palestine area. They are calling me malika. I have four brothers, my father is very rich. I am very much pampered. I am very proud, in nature. An Indian man comes to teach me sitar. Now we love each other. Abbas, my elder brother now know this. I am too sad. Abbas killed my sitar teacher. Sitar teacher was in fact dhritu, of last life; he is my present life husband. I am. Going to Paris for change but not happy. Time is passing. I am not ready to come back. Abbas is sad. He takes so much pains, comes to meet me. His wife also comes. Now I understands my brothers love for me, so I am getting married to some one my family choose. A lot of story......................death. Lesson compassionate.
(Two very imp present life people...Abbas, the brother and his son and Ayaa.The mousi in this life. Integrated in this life.)
3rd life
i am a girl, 12 year, golden hair, my name is rose. I am on ship with my nanny (caretaker). My mother is dead, so my father is sending me to my grand parents, I am leaving father do some work there. I am growing in beautiful women. I study and good in it. My grandfather is dead. I live with my grand mother and house is beautiful. I am happy, I love someone, and he loves me. Actually (you know... he is the same dhritu& sitar teacher). I am going somewhere. It is big building, it is airport. My friend came to airport to see me off. I am upset. I complained about my father to govt. I think he is a spy. Some Budapest regency...Nazi...these thoughts are coming in mind. Oh, I want to tell my father, what I did. Oh father is here. At airport. He is coming. Ahhhhh. He shot me.i am dead. He killed himself. My lover...he is so sad...lesson. Learned.....i should not have taken a hasty decision .one should make proper inquiry, before any conclusion .he was not a wrong man. I am feeling uselessness now.....very long silence....
After PLR: Reorientation and integration....
Very much scared at airport. Chest problems without medical cause. Chest hurts a lot without any reason.
Some azeeb sa birth mark on chest. In this time.
Present husband......they met at airport. He came to pick her, official work. Not each was love at first site for both. In this life also uska rokaa ho chukka tha.he refused for that rishta. They got married with efforts of Mamaji of her husband. Mamaji was father of dhritu in year.1140.
She feels very much connected with Lahore, London and Paris.
Four other relations in present life were in other lives.
Conclusion....dhritu (1140), sitar teacher (1803), a friend and love (1932) same person.... all the time and husband in this life...
Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi, Chandigarh...09872880634
An interesting regression. Will try to write in short. A young, married women, age30 yrs, married, topper in studies...very beautiful... Looks seems combination of beautiful features...only single session done, three lives covered...instant regression..
.1st life.
Year 1140...i am a girl, wearing dear skin cloths, age 25 years, living in Gangotri, an ashram, since childhood, as I am an orphan, but most cared by others in ashram. This ashram is having Shiva statue. I have taken diksha. I am a Brahma Chari. We are going kashi for Kashi Vishwanath Darshan with our head of the ashram. I stayed there, then I went to Lumbvini, it is in Nepal. I stayed and did have siddhiya by tapsya. I am a bhikhshuni... I meditate whole day. I see now we all are going to bless a marriage ceremony in is a very big palace. We are blessing the boy, who is to be married. His name is dhritu. I am 35 year old now. When dhritu saw me, he refused to get married to the other girl. A lot of things are happening. We are coming back. His father is standing with us with folded hand. Some one from us is telling something. Regarding marriage, I am too upset to listen these things. We are leaving the patliputra.but I did not accepted dhritu proposal. But I know, I liked the thought of his love for me. I am varying sad. Meri tapsya bhang ho gayi, toot gayi... now I am in kashi sang math. I am 50 years old. I am head. I am sick. Mera dil me khrabi hay. Breathing problem hai. Dhritu is here to take care math and me. He is still unmarried. He devoted his life for me.
(.actually dhritu is my life husband.).......then death...lesson learned...duty is important.
2nd life......
.year.1803 I am a beautiful girl in Palestine area. They are calling me malika. I have four brothers, my father is very rich. I am very much pampered. I am very proud, in nature. An Indian man comes to teach me sitar. Now we love each other. Abbas, my elder brother now know this. I am too sad. Abbas killed my sitar teacher. Sitar teacher was in fact dhritu, of last life; he is my present life husband. I am. Going to Paris for change but not happy. Time is passing. I am not ready to come back. Abbas is sad. He takes so much pains, comes to meet me. His wife also comes. Now I understands my brothers love for me, so I am getting married to some one my family choose. A lot of story......................death. Lesson compassionate.
(Two very imp present life people...Abbas, the brother and his son and Ayaa.The mousi in this life. Integrated in this life.)
3rd life
i am a girl, 12 year, golden hair, my name is rose. I am on ship with my nanny (caretaker). My mother is dead, so my father is sending me to my grand parents, I am leaving father do some work there. I am growing in beautiful women. I study and good in it. My grandfather is dead. I live with my grand mother and house is beautiful. I am happy, I love someone, and he loves me. Actually (you know... he is the same dhritu& sitar teacher). I am going somewhere. It is big building, it is airport. My friend came to airport to see me off. I am upset. I complained about my father to govt. I think he is a spy. Some Budapest regency...Nazi...these thoughts are coming in mind. Oh, I want to tell my father, what I did. Oh father is here. At airport. He is coming. Ahhhhh. He shot me.i am dead. He killed himself. My lover...he is so sad...lesson. Learned.....i should not have taken a hasty decision .one should make proper inquiry, before any conclusion .he was not a wrong man. I am feeling uselessness now.....very long silence....
After PLR: Reorientation and integration....
Very much scared at airport. Chest problems without medical cause. Chest hurts a lot without any reason.
Some azeeb sa birth mark on chest. In this time.
Present husband......they met at airport. He came to pick her, official work. Not each was love at first site for both. In this life also uska rokaa ho chukka tha.he refused for that rishta. They got married with efforts of Mamaji of her husband. Mamaji was father of dhritu in year.1140.
She feels very much connected with Lahore, London and Paris.
Four other relations in present life were in other lives.
Conclusion....dhritu (1140), sitar teacher (1803), a friend and love (1932) same person.... all the time and husband in this life...
Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi, Chandigarh...09872880634
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Past life regression story...session conducted by...dr.vandana raghuvanshi
A past life session written and shared by
the person who regressed....
I saw myself in a very green place with
wooden houses. I was wearing some clothing that looked very rough and un kept.
I realised it was a very old time sometime in 1700s. I was in Ireland. A male
I had a humble wooden hut, some farmland
which was very small and i had two horses. There were civil wars happening, i
could sense disturbance and a lack of friendliness in everyone, everyone was
scared of being open to communication, many houses were raided and people were
being removed from their homes , their lands were confiscated , it was a time
of trouble . I knew i had a family but i was always so busy with other men
discussing the day today life as we were always alarmed ,armed and had to
protect the family.
Everyone had decided that i would be the
spokesperson of the area we lived so
that we could reach a compromise and settle the issue without any bloodshed. I
could see flashes of houses being on fire, killing & cruelty.
Next i saw was that I was in green fields
and there was a cliff where i was to meet a man from the other neighbouring
village and we were to negotiate and talk so that we could have peace amongst
our two villages and unite. I was waiting at the edge of the cliff overlooking
the sea wondering how beautiful it would have been to go back to old times when
everyone lived in peace. At this point i was unable to regress further ,
Dr.Vandana asked me to look from above, I realized that i was no more alive and
i was looking from above at myself being drowned in the sea.
I was pushed into the cold waters , it was
near sunset when i was pushed off the cliff and into the sea, I did not really
drown in the real sense as i was a good swimmer, the water was so cold that the
shock of cold water made my heart stop beating. I don’t know how can that death
be described but it was the shock of being pushed off the cliff combined the
freezing cold water that killed me.
I was finding difficulty to move above , i
had no strength and was feeling heavy . I had a very severe pain in my head ,
at the back of my head due to which i was finding difficulty in moving up.
Dr.Vandana helped me reach the white light and help me rest .
told Dr.Vnadana that my lesson was “never
to trust anyone”. I tried to recognize the person who had killed me and I
could see eyes who were very familiar , I knew who he was.
I also had seen that i had hit my head to
an edge of a stone or a part of the cliff while falling and i had got a head
injury due to which i had such a severe headache. I was going through too much
pain and agony, I saw the master light ,
had a brief blessing from the master light which helped me in resting and
getting relief .
Now that i think of the trust issue i have
had in my relationships i see it has always been very deep , there are many
more people who go through bad relations or have problems with friends but no
one had become so extremely cautious as i was. I had recognised the flaw in me
and this lesson was engraved on my soul
and since i had had similar issues in life i was very comfortable with it not
knowing this was causing some part of my loneliness. I am glad that i regressed
to this life as past life therapy helps you , re live and re experience all the
pain and trauma and then it releases the issue for good, once you identify an
issue in a past life session you release that pain and this therapy brings an
understanding that this was a matter of the past and it is not going to happen
again as a result we stop repeating our fear and we stop sending the universe
the wrong signals. Now I know that when
deep inside i believed no one is trustworthy and I can not trust too many
people i was continuously sending the wrong signal to the universe, i was not
actively talking about it but in any situation i would analyse people and
conclude that I could not trust and i kept on meeting those people .
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Claustrophobia and past life link A 25 year old girl came with complain of claustrophobia. She feels she is struggling with this fear since childhood. She said dr.vandana , I feel upset with it, so I want to see my past life. Session…. I am a beautiful girl with golden hair. I am the only child. My parents are rich. We own a big estate, many people work here. I am 19 year now, riding a horse all alone. I reach a forest area a little far from our estate. I stop my horse as I feel someone is following me from behind. I look back and see a couple on horse who work in our estate. I step down as I think my parents have sent them after me. They step down and suddenly the man masked my face with a cloth. The woman tied my hands. They are taking me but the speed is slow. So now they tie me on the back of the horse and the man rides it. The woman took my horse. I shout leave me!leave me! They reach an isolated place after sometime. There is pin drop silence around. I am in a very small closed room. The woman untied my hands and removed the mask. The woman is very fat and ugly. The room has an earthen floor. There is no window but has a small ventilator near the roof. The room is dark. The woman tells me that I will be released when my parents will give them lot of money and jewels. They locked the room from outside and left.I do not hear any sound. There is frightening silence. I am very afraid. It is such a small closed place that I feel suffocated. The plate of food is slipped inside from the gap at the bottom of the door. There is not much light so I cannot see what it is. It is tasteless staple food and very difficult to eat. They come after a very long time, open the door and enter the room. The man stands at the door. The woman shouts at me, beats me and rubs sand on my face. It seems they are not able to get money from my parents. Her behavior is getting horrible as time passes. I am getting weak day by day. I have not seen sun,I have not felt air, I donot know how many days, months and years have passed. I do not have any orientation of time. I am skin thin but alive. It feels they came after a very long time. Woman is very angry and scratches my face and lips with her hands. Suddenly I felt too much anger and bit her hand. She holds me by my hair and smashes my head on the wall. I am dead. My last thought was that if only I could have breathed in fresh air. This was some European country. Reorientation….. She said the impression of the life lived in a very small closed room is with me from very early age. Any place which is closed, e.g, picture halls, lifts, even the small washrooms suffocate me and make me panic. I feel that reliving that traumatic life helped me release those memories of the past because now I feel that an unknown burden and fear from mind is lifted. Past is over, past is released, I am free. A lot of blessings to you doctor.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Your breath comes to go. Your thoughts come to go. Your words come to go. Your actions come to go. Your feelings come to go. Your illnesses come to go. Your phases come to go. Your seasons come to go. You have come to go. Then why do you hold on to your guilt, anger, unforgiveness, hatred so so so tightly, when it too has come to go. Let it go ...
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Past life regression therapist ..Shimla...09872880634
Read Some where....Like to share..
Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?
Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?
Through life our paths are crossing paths with other people. From our parent to our children, from our brothers & sisters to our marriage partners. According to karmic teachings, we always meet the same souls, only under different masks & different roles. The soul goes through this cycle of physical incarnation because it has some kind of debt or obligation i.e. is not entirely free. Through interaction with others we are given the opportunity to free ourselves from the shackles of karma.
Karma is nothing but the result of the acts we did from the lack of love & lack of connection to its source. Due to lack of love we are consciously or unconsciously hurting others, or they are hurting us. Now we are in this karma bank to resolve any residual loans, all by the law which is the same for everybody. Karmic records are stored in Akasha (the memory of the universe) that are not available to our conscious mind. But we can learn the lesson for our merging through the feelings & emotions that others provoke in us. If a person fulfills its goal, they move away from our lives. Some people make us feel unpleasant when we are near them, so it is a bit of a relief to be liberated from them.
However, we shouldn’t ignore these emotions & their presence in us. The origin of them is within us. The mud & the dirt of our suppressed negative experiences & unwanted emotional states of fear & pain are in the depths of our beings. All people that we meet through life are our teachers, whose role is to help us to release from the poisons we are holding to.
The first contact with a person takes place on a visual level, but usually the attraction comes from another subconscious level, where there is a reading of subconscious karmic records. Our karmic record & the karmic record from the other person “recognize” the essential thing for clearing our karma & so it comes to connection or entering in a relationship.
In a relationship we are not growing by expressing our best features, which are not the real us, but by having conflicts. The moments of conflict are worth of gold, because important things are happening. When we have our first moment of jealousy we should ask ourselves: “Why I have this feeling? What is this within me?” Don’t ignore this feeling. It is necessary to work on it to put this wandering fragment that is not integrated and which seeks its place in the mosaic. These fragments are the weaknesses of our personality. Maybe, we have been outcast-ed in our childhood, & that rejection in our crucial period of our lives made us a magnet for these kind of emotions. So in time, our personality polarizes & disintegrates a particular emotional experience such as fear, pain, hate, jealousy & so on, until one part of us continue to function stably. We force our idea of stability in the relations with others, but if the behavior of the partner is out of that idea and if we are not able to understand some of their moves we are switching to fragments of fear, from where our mind draws its beliefs.
Actually, our partner only plays its role in creating the mosaic of our personality. But we cannot understand that because we see our partner as someone who is trying to hurt us. There is a karmic thing in experiencing these emotions. We are building a relationship with a person who in one distant past had the same feelings for us. The idea of karma is not for you to suffer, but to unite you both to unconditional love & spiritual integrity. Learn how to act out of love – because I am a partner and a partner is I. They are the ripped piece of us & we all are ripped pieces of this big puzzle. I am both, the drop (me) and the ocean (all the people), because there is ocean in every little drop. And as long as the relationships are not crystallize at this level, people will continue the cycle of incarnation in different lives and different roles. Sunday, June 18, 2017
Past life regression therapist in Nalagarh, India...09872880634
If you are not able to forgive some or few people in your present life ...find the reason in your past life regression session...May be after knowing the reason behind it you may forgive them / him / us ...09872880634
We often let anger push us away from our loved ones, and allow pride to come before our love. Don’t let it happen to you. Learn to forgive & appreciate what you have.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
We may ask to be released from any promises made to ourselves or others in our present, past, or future lives, consciously or unconsciously, that are holding us back from fulfilling our greatest good. We may ask that love, light, and healing be sent to any souls who have suffered from our inability to be true to our word, including ourselves. We can ask for the wisdom to do our best and from this point forward to be true to our word, promising only what we truly intend to deliver. The resulting clear conscience and liberated energy will illustrate this truth: We are only as good as our word.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Feeling confused about life ----I have a feeling that my father, who died a year back, wants me to do something. A 34 year old married woman came to me and said Dr. Vandana, I am confused about my life as I have a feeling that my father, who was a cancer patient and expired a year back, is around me and is in pain. It has been a year that I constantly feel uncomfortable because of this. Doctor, I want your help to resolve this issue. In this life I cannot trust people. Session I am walking on a kutcha dirt road that ends at the wooden gate of the house. I am a woman inside the home. This house is big. The stairs are going up. There is a room there. An old couple is sitting in the room. There is another room. A couple is inside the room. They have two kids with them. It is night time I am sleeping on a cot in the kitchen. My dress is Rajasthani. It is day time. I am cooking food and serving them. The young couple is taking meals. Now it is afternoon I am working in field. Everyone is working in the field. We are happy. In night again I cook food and sleep in kitchen. We packed everything and left for somewhere in a cart. I am feeling sad. I do not have parents. The old couple kept me with them since I was 16 years of age. They are talking about me. It seems we came very far. The old couple is now talking to a young man. They got me married to him in a very short ceremony. They left me with my husband. I am happy. Now I have a child. Our life is normal. My name is Veero. I call my son Sukha. Now my son is a young man. I feel things are not fine in our area. I am worried about my son. One day lot of riots take place in this area. My son went out and I ran after him. They killed him with a sword in front of me. He is just 21 years of age. We both are very sad now. We are just living for living. I died at the age of 60. My body was cremated by my husband. My last thought was I have lost trust in life. But lesson I learnt was to be kind and forgive. Guided towards the light master light came and asked her to help her father. With the guidance of light the gall bladder area was cleaned and healed. Now after that she felt presence of her father’s higher self and told her that now I am free and he said now he is going in light. She also received a message that when you find time donate grains and throw flowers in Ganges at Hardwar. Master light told you don’t need to panic in any situation in present life. Live peacefully. Reorientation… Dr Vandana, my father had gall bladder carcinoma. In light I felt I am inside energy body of my father and my energy hands are removing blockages from that area that was causing pain to him. Thank you so much for miraculous work and helping me release departed soul of my father to light. God Bless !!!!
Friday, May 19, 2017
Hi Everyone! I am back again, 6 regressions and 8 lives.......... It was not even 1 week after my 5th regression when i started to feel that i wanted to know more................I wanted to know the cause of my most difficult relation and why did it go wrong and why was i being so hated for tolerating 3.5 years of house arrest, humiliation, insult and a life that very few could even imagine. I had done 6 regressions and i had cleared a lot of my doubts, had reached planning stage that very few would actually reach, the master soul had blessed me in each session but why did i have to choose a person who would plan my death as my life partner ......................what did i do wrong ? Too eager to know i called up Dr.Vandana and fix my appointment for my next session, it was 3 ways away and i just could not wait. While i was continuing to find possible answers i received a text message from Dr.Vandana asking me to contact her. When i spoke to Dr.Vandana , she asked me to recite a sentence that would help me during my regression and also she asked me to meditate, now this was indicating something different from the rest of my sessions, i realized it is going to be a difficult session perhaps. On day of my appointment i reached the clinic at 1 pm , my usual timing and we started to discuss my state of mind and why i wanted to undergo the session and then i was asked to meditate .....It was there that Dr.Vandana told me that i was asked to meditate and recite those wording as there was so much eagerness, anxiety in my voice during the telephonic conversation that she had felt i needed to do a little homework in order to be able to regress easily. The best thing i have experienced with Dr.Vandana is that she reads your mind and she exactly knows where you need to go and what you need to know. While meditating i was taken to a state of trans and hence the regression started ,where i was in a garden and was supposed to meet someone, it was my present partner , he came and he was holding my hand so tight that i started to feel the pain , he was to go away and he wanted me to wait, he did not want to let go at this point Dr.Vandana started a healing work and with help of divine light she healed the session and freed my hand from him and asked me to move on .............I reached a tunnel of white light and before Dr.Vandana could asked me to enter the tunnel i had reached the end of it so She asked me to start looking around and regressing to where i would get my answers for this session.................. I was a man about 38years of age , very well dressed who smoked ......Very clearly knew that I was in London , i kept on looking at my pocket watch as i had an appointment at 2 pm with someone .............A very important appointment....the guy did not turn up which was making me very nervous & helpless, i started to feel a pain in my left arm and heart area to which i knew that i was having heart problem.... at this point Dr.Vandana asked me to go to the next event and i saw that i was home , a domestic help served me with a cup of tea in an English style ....I was waiting and i knew the person i was waiting for was my wife, the waiting was keeping me upset and grieving. The next scene was at supper, where my wife and my 8 years old daughter were at the table, my wife was saying supper prayers and my daughter and I were playing a little game, winking at each other and being just playful............. It took me a while to move from this scene and next scene was something i resisted to reach at , i was hugging my wife but i knew she did not love me, at this point i started crying and i said i love her so much and she does not love me and then i saw who she loved , my present life partner who was watching us and enjoying my misery and helplessness........The worst was he did not even love my wife but she knew nothing about it, she did not know that he was just using her. At this time Dr.Vandana asked me to find out why did he want to hurt me and when i regressed to earlier time in my life i saw that we were all playing soccer , i was very good at games, sports , studies and was the most favourite of all teachers, neighbourhood and he was a neglected child from a broken family who was not even good looking and had inferiority complex ....He hated me as i was too popular, next scene was that i had graduated from College and i was getting engaged to the most amazing girl in my community and we loved each other immensely .............Dr.Vandana asked me if this person was attending my wedding, i saw that he was not invited and was not in church however he was watching from outside. We were a happy couple and we were soon blessed with a baby girl. Next i saw was that i was to leave for an assignment which prolonged to about a year , at this time Dr.Vandana asked me to see how my wife met the guy..........It was during a neighbourhood get together or some kind of festival where they met and next they met for an evening tea at my place and at this moment i started crying again as he was holding my wife’s hand.............I cried a lot and then Dr.Vandana asked me to move to the next important event, which was the night i came back from work and i saw my wife and the guy in my bedroom.............I started sobbing, left the house, walking aimlessly on roads, felt broken , cheated and shattered............after 2-3 days i came back home. At this point Dr.Vandana asked me what that appointment all about was. The first scene when my regression started. That meeting was about hiring someone to kill both my wife and her lover and when the guy did not turn up i felt that all my plans would fail ..............Dr.Vandana asked me what happened next, you went home and were having dinner to which i answered that i never had dinner that night, i was just sitting at the table. She asked me what happened after that and i was refusing to answer , it took me a long time to talk and when i talked i revealed that i had killed my wife, with a knife, i slit her throat. She asked me did you run away after that i said no, i hid somewhere to see what happens next and as anticipated the lover had come, he was sitting by her side and shocked............and i kept on saying he is not having any feeling, he is not upset, he is not sad, he is just shocked, he never loved my wife. Next was that the domestic saw him with my wife’s dead body and eventually he was taken to a place which looked like prison and later i read from newspaper that he was charged guilty which gave me immense satisfaction and happiness....It felt like a bonus as i had not planned it but then he was punished. At this time Dr.Vandana asked me if i was feeling guilty and i said no, i had given her enough chances............. Dr.Vandana asked me to see how he was feeling so i saw him in jail, where he was sitting with his lifeless eyes, the same calculative mind, with absolutely no emotions or feelings however i knew he wanted revenge and he was just waiting for the right time..................I saw the same person for the second time in my regressions and each time he had the same eyes, emotionless....lifeless!!! Complex and EVIL. What happened next was that my daughter grew up and i fell more sick as time went by , she had become a nurse ..............I died in d hospital from illness related to heart and lungs A doctor, 2 nurses and my daughter were present. I was asked by doctor to see what happened to my body and i was very upset to know that my daughter had donated my body for research to a hospital , i died in 1940 and my daughter who was a nurse in India had donated my body to a medical school and i was buried after 1-2 months ..........I was very upset that without my consent my body was donated .............I was buried like an unknown person with no stone in some unknown place within the hospital...................then i stated that since in India they don’t burry the body, they did not know how to do it. After my death Dr.Vandana asked me to go and seek forgiveness from the guy , I went to him in jail and met him, forgave him and also explained him that i was hurt and it was him who started to hurt me etc., it took me a lot of time and eventually we hugged and forgave each other , for the first time whether in regression or in real life i saw life in his eyes and we smiled and parted ways then i left to join the divine light, i saw my soul mates and also the master soul, this time i was a greyish light not too bright so Dr.Vandana healed me with divine light and then the master soul blessed me too and i asked him about my soul mate again and he reassured me that i would be with my soul mate in present life. I did not ask anything this time from my soul mate as i knew he was busy finishing an un finished work so that we could be together. I rested in white light and received blessings ....................Dr.Vandana asked me to forgive my wife and my partner “s friend from real life who had helped my partner to plan my death but i was too tired and i told her that it was not required as that is what the master soul had indicated. It is so strange how we keep carrying impressions and how we plan to pay for our deeds ....I feel blessed to have been able to experience 8 lives...........Maybe this is one of the reasons i kept coming back to India despite all that i went through here. Thank you Dr.Vandana
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Giving ourselves permission to feel at peace with our past actions is one of the most positive steps we can take toward living a life free from regrets, disappointments & guilt. The more we are able to remind ourselves that the true path to a peaceful mind & heart is through acceptance of every part of our lives & actions, the more harmony & inner joy we will experience in all aspects of our lives.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Do you ever feel your "past" is intruding on your ability to enjoy and be effective in the present? What if something you did or something that happened to you seems to cling to your consciousness - perpetually reminding you that you are "unworthy," "imperfect," or "damaged" and need to be fixed?...Regression therapy helps !!!! You can take age regression, Past life regression to heal your us ...9872880634
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Past life therapist in Solan [H.P.]...09872880634
As Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi took me to to my past life ....
.And when I reached the mosques it was noon and there were men praying ( Namaaz). I was there on an assignment, maybe a documentary or some research, I was a white woman in my early twenties. I was asked to see where I was the next day or same night and I saw myself hiding under a shelf , waiting to run away from a man who had a turban , beard but had no moustaches. I knew I was in Afghanistan. I saw that the next day I had ran away and I was lost in a place of low dry mountains, the next scene was that I was held captured by some men , one of them was the guy I had seen in that mosque.
I was being held captive for a few months , raped by few men , my hands were tied , I was asking for my death every minute. It was a strange feeling, I had the body but there was no soul , or maybe my soul was numb, I felt I am alive yet dead. I was mentally physically and emotionally numb, I wld not even feel the physical pain, the cold , hunger anymore.
I had a glimpse of my childhood too, I grew up in a loving family , I grew up with no major event , it was this job and the assignment that was the major incident in my life, I was happy and ready to explore and when I was saying bye to my family I saw a young man who perhaps I loved but I told myself I would be with him when I come back, I would have time enough. I had kept myself and my career above love and family , the same thing I have done in this life too .
Next was my death scene, my soul just wanted to get over with this life, a taxing life indeed. I saw that I had managed to loosen up the ropes around my wrist , managed to snatch away the dagger from the beard man’s waist and stabbed myself in chest (not heart) and my stomach, I died after few days due to the wounds and infection, lonely painful death.
They left my body there . I was guided to light by dr.vandana raghuvanshi. I wanted to rest .
The lesson I learnt that being fearless and independent is good but one needs to be cautious too, I also learnt being ambitious and loving one’s career or choices good but family , love and relationships should be given priority.
One of my biggest fear in this life has been losing my mom or family members when I am not with them and now I know where that comes from , I also have feared dying a lonely death which has been a repeated pattern in my soul journey and I need to release this block. The connection to my present life is that even in this life I have been keeping family and love on hold thinking I have enough time to go back to them but the truth is family and love is to be our highest priority , life needs to be balanced , one should draw a line for everything and one should give time to all 3- 4 important life components........................I can very well connect this life to my present life.
Thank you Dr.Vandana for you invaluable help , guidance and support...I should go now, have so much to do to get my family together and make my soulmate to take the step...Good luck to all!!
Monday, April 24, 2017
You meet someone for the first time and feel as if you know them already. You’re in a town that you’ve never been to before, yet you recognize streets & buildings. You start playing a new sport & amaze everyone, including yourself, at your natural abilities and intuitive knowing of the rules. We often describe such experiences as déjŕ vu: the experience or feeling that a new situation has happened to us before. Then again, the possibility does exist that we have actually lived these experiences in the past or, rather, in another lifetime. Many spiritual practices believe that reincarnation is real: Our souls return to this earth over a series of lifetimes to evolve, learn, grow, transform & become more spiritually attuned through the course of each life. When we reincarnate, it is believed that we tend to cycle through our different lives with many of the same people. Often these traveling “soul” companions are the ones we enter into relationships with; we work through our unresolved issues together so that we may heal. When we struggle or keep encountering blocks that keep us from reaching our goals, there may be a specific lesson that we are supposed to learn in this lifetime. Being naturally blessed with a musical talent or another gift can be a special ability that you worked hard to develop in a past life. You may even have lived before as another gender or as part of a different social or economic class. Each lifetime brings with it specific lessons that are necessary for our spiritual evolution.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
This past life regression and LBL…..session is shared by subject herself with all of you…
There were a lot of issues and problem that have been going on in my life since the age of 5 and life only got more and more tough and complicated as i grew up. By the age of 17 when every person is at its best time and enjoying life, making more friends , being ambitious my real struggle for life started. The relationship with my father was no more good as i was a person who would never bend in front of injustice and wrong doings hence not approving him which resulted in financial struggle and a lot more.
I went to Dr.Vandana in Oct 2011, it was the time that i was on the verge of a breakdown, and all that i knew was i had done nothing , absolutely nothing to deserve the life i was going through.
My past life regression unfolded many connections, many questions were answered, many worries ended and yet my never ending life surprises would take me by another blow. I had to go through a major change in life leaving behind two of my soul mates i had recognised during my PLR which has been the most difficult experience of my life but the change was un avoidable.
I had cried all day, tired, exhausted and on the verge of giving up, as soon as i saw Dr.Vandana i told her that i wanted to know why did I choose such a difficult life,( as we know every soul chooses its life pattern and the people in his life) , so what i wanted to know was why did i choose such a difficult life.
We started our session on skype…….
Dr.Vandana asked me to open any one door, and i opened the one right at the end of the corridor, it took me time to open the door as it was very heavy and i had to use all my strength to open the door.
The room was dark and after some instructions it became lighter and now i could see the room, it was a room in grey colour, walls and even the floor was in grey stones, I could see my grand father on a wheelchair . I was a 1 year old girl with curly golden hair, i was playing with some dolls, small hand made ones and i saw that my father , a tall dark man who happens to be my father in present life picked me up and was playing with me. I knew he was my father but still i felt i am being held by a stranger, since it was the first time i was seeing my father after i was born.
My mother who was wearing everything in black came and next i knew was that i was crawling and crying looking for a safe shelter, it was because my parents were arguing , my mother asked my father to leave and she did not want to see him ever again, she was upset that he had disappeared before i was born and never bothered to come & look after us. And during his absence there were alot of financial problems which made my mother do two jobs to be able to take care of her father and me. She also lost her mother to whom she was attached the most.
I grew up, i was a brilliant student and a favourite of teachers, it was at the age of 19 that i joined the church and i chose to be a nun. Soon i was recognised as i was a very devoted person and by the age of 35 I was called Mother Ann.
My mother came to see me twice, but it was very strange i was a very detached person, despite knowing she was alone and needed me i felt I belonged to the church, i had to serve Jesus. It was St.Marry’s church somwhere in Romania.
The second time she came to see me , she was crying and begging me to go back and live with her and i felt no emotions, i was totally detached (now that i am writing this and remembering the scene my heart is aching ), i felt nothing and i refused to go with her, i wanted to serve Jesus.
Next important event was when my mother passed away, i was the one saying the prayers at her grave and it was then that i was shaken , my belief in me and what i was doing shook, it was difficult to finish the prayers but i did complete the prayer as everyone there was looking upto me. I was their mentor , their role model.( I realized serving family and loved ones was our foremost duty even more important than serving Jesus, i realized relationships and families were very important in our soul print and maybe this is the reason why one of my fears in this life is losing my mother when i am not around or that of her falling sick and i would not be there to take care of her)
I saw two more scenes, one was that i was unwell, as if it was the first time i had fallen sick in that life and there were younger nuns taking care of me and last scene was of my death, it was about 3 am and i knew the time has come, i got up from my bed and left my room, went to the main hall , i bowed and then kneeled down for prayer, i was seeking forgiveness for my behaviour with my mother and i prayed till last moment, then i saw my soul leaving my body exiting from my crown.
I was asked what kind of a life it was and i answered an easy life, it had no purpose, I became a Nun and served the church because i found my comfort in it , because i never went out of my comfort zone to find out if i could do anything else, when i compared this life with my present life i reailzed the connection to this life is that i chose totally opposite life pattern, i would always go for challneges and have been looking for my purpose , I chose a very difficult life pattern that i have had no time to rest and have never been at ease.
I waited there as i knew in a short while the nuns who come for preparing the hall for morning prayers wld discover my body. I was about 82 years old at the time of death.
I was burried and my name read Mother Ann ( Anna Krista), i wasburried in the same church.
Before i moved up i wanted to meet my mother and seek forgiveness, i went to her but she was too upset with me , she was not ready to listen, and even after so much of effort it felt as if she said i have forgiven you but “dont you think its that easy and i can forget it”, she hugged me and gave me a half smile but i had to move , i could not wait anymore.
I was a bright white light and reached the white light very fast , i did not want to rest and was ready for my next assignment, I saw master soul looking at me with a smile , a smile like a parent when he sees his child impatient for the game.
I went to the master soul for blessings, he gave me blessings, I was asked to see my planning chart and look around if there is a counsellor table, i saw it , i knew that was my present life chart but i was still getting blessings, it was such a peaceful experience, it felt great .I sat there and i saw my chart, i saw my parents on the left corner above the chart, it felt as if their role had come to an end with this life and they were about to exit my life pattern.
I saw my ex husband and two more men who have had a very major role in my life , my husband was smiling and the other two people , one was confused as to why did he have to be even there and the third man who has had a very major role in my life both good and bad he was looking at me as if he wanted some answers and he was still hopeful that i may consider his role .
After seeing all these i was looking for my soulmate and the rest of soulmates but i saw no one and i went back to the master soul, i kneeled down with my hands folded and i asked him why did i choose such a difficult life , at this time i burst out into tears and i could not stop, he replied that you did not choose your chart, you told me what you wanted and i chose your chart for you. I looked at him and asked him then why did you make me suffer so much , i was begging him, he knew i was having no more strenght , and i was giving up, he said : “ YOU WANTED TO BE WITH YOUR SOULMATE SO YOU HAD TO LEARN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, YOU WANTED TO BE ON A HIGHER PLANE AND EVOLVE SO YOU HAD TO CLEAR ALL YOUR KARMAS, YOU WANTED TO BE ON A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY AND BE A HEALER SO YOU HAD TO LEARN PATIENCE”, that is why i chose this chart for you.
I stopped crying at this moment and asked him if my chart could be changed as I could no more go on like this, i told him i had no energy, i could not bear anymore pain and he told me he won’t change the chart, he told me you are very close to your life purpose and to have all that you have asked for so i won’t change your chart, the difficult part is over and the life you wanted is to begin and i can’t let you go through all these in another life, you need to complete all your exams and start the life you have asked for and that is very near, You can not give up.
I started crying again and went back to my chart and this time i saw 2 of my soulmates, my brother and my soulmate, i realised my brother was there for my support and the time of being with soulmate was very close, i saw a date there. Then i was looking for a date for my healing clinic and other wishes i had and i saw a date for next year for my healing clinic too.
I went back to the master soul to ask if i was meant to be healer then why is it that there are still issues and i have to wait another year , and i saw myself again at the counsellor table , i knew it was because i needed to learn patience, to be more grateful and also got the impression that i have been having a tendency to forget my lessons from previous lives so it was to insured that before i was a healer with such a huge responsibility i had learnt all the lessons and i would remember them all and actually would be fit to be a good healer who could carry such a responsibility. I saw the third man on the right hand side of my chart next two the other two and realised his role in my life was to make me meet my soul mate and his role has now come to an end , Dr.Vandana asked me if i need to clear any more issues with him but he had become too small and i could sense he was of another category and his role had come to an end, he had shrunk and was becoming smaller and smaller.
I went back to the master should and told him i needed strength and his blessing to be able to come out of all these tests successfully, he picked me up and took me to his heart and blessed me with DIVINE LIGHT, DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE WISDOM,DIVINE SUPPORT , DIVINE GUIDANCE AND DIVINE PROTECTION & then i kneeled down to thank him while he continued to bless me , at this time i saw another soul mate of mine , a very dear person in my present life, the master soul blessed her , she was wearing a Golden shawl around her, the same i have seen of Budha in some pictures, master soul blessed her and took her under his arms and gave her blessings and gave me the impression that all that had to happen would happen through her and that i was in safe hands.
Then the Master Soul blessed both of us and then it was time to come back.
It was elaborated LBL session, but it felt amazing , the blissful feeling was out of this world and our imagination, as soon as i came back to my conscious level i could feel the strength within me, the hope, the purpose.
It was most amazing experience i have ever had. I am so much grateful to dr.vandana raghuvanshi.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Past life story
of belonging to old forts, recurrent dream of jumping of the cliff and past
life link.
said I have all of these feelings and I want to know the reason behind
it…dr.vandana plz help me.
1868, Jaisalmer.I am 7 year old prince. My mother calls me BhanuPratap. I am of
20 years. My father fixed my marriage with the daughter of Senapati. My mother
is happy. I am getting married in palace. I feel my married life is not good.
We do not sleep together because wife does not want to sleep with me. I think
she is in love with somebody. It is five years of marriage and we do not have
kids. I am 35 and going alone somewhere. I reach a Guffa, enter inside and start
digging. I bury something. I come out empty handed. I ride back to the
palace. I am walking in corridor in the palace,
it is dimly lit,I reach near end room. My wife is with a man in an intimate
position. They are talking. I feel very bad. I return back. After few days, I gag
my wife, drag her down the stairs, take her to the pond and drown her in water.
I killed her. I spent whole night near the pond. Next day morning I tie that
man with ropes, ride horse and drag him to the jungle. I am very angry. I left
him in the jungle badly injured. I now climb up the hill. I am at the cliff. I jump
of the cliff and fall to the ground. I hit many trees on the way. My left palm
is injured badly.My head hit the ground. I am hurt badly and bleeding. I die.
The lesson learnt is -- can’t get love by force. Patience is required.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Past life regression of housewife with complain of unexplained headache and depression.She said dr.vandana , my headache is making my life difficult. I want to know the root cause of it. I feel it is coming from some past life event. Session…. I am wearing a long overcoat and cap. There are snow clad mountains around. My heart is sinking due to fear. I am standing silently in a crowd. People are shouting at a boy. He did something wrong to someone. I am feeling ashamed because I also have affair with him. I reach home. I am feeling very lonely. My family doesn’t love me. I got married. My husband is very dull person. He drinks also. I remember that boy often and feel like meeting him but am afraid he may harass me later on. I have gone into a cocoon. I am suffering from depression now. It’s already late evening my husband has not returned home. I leave home. I feel like crying (visibly cried a lot). It’s getting dark but I keep on walking. A vehicle is approaching in my direction. Suddenly I walk to the front of the approaching vehicle as it reached near me. I am hit in the head and having severe pain. I am sinking. I am dead. REORIENTATION……….. She said....I did one suicide attempt in my present life. I am suffering from headache since my childhood. I have a dull married life.I feel today I understand about my present life issues. thanks you dr. vandana..hope I will come again to find more answers...
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Recognize your carryover repeat pattern from your past life ..influencing your present life in negative way. Take a session from dr.vandana raghuvanshi...09872880634
A person who does not acknowledge his mistakes has to pay the price of continuing to remain stuck in his wrong approach. Accordingly, he deprives himself of confidence, because he chooses to remain in that groove even though he recognises that it is wrong.Moreover, his actions cannot produce meaningful results, & his plans will fail to produce the results that he seeks.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Past life regression session written and shared by person.... Hi Everyone , I am here to share my experience and learning and i hope it helps you in some way too. I reached the Vandana Clinic as per scheduled and after a deep breathing exercise and some meditation i was taken to the state of trans, I was apprehensive as i had reached the clinic under a lot of stress and was wondering if i could regress at all , but thanks to Dr.Vandana it happened fast. I was a young woman in mid twenties in the middle of a forest, i was in search of something, after crossing a bridge i reached a very modest wooden Hut, i knocked at the door and a lady opened the door , she was the care taker, i asked her for the person i was looking for and she said they no more lived there, i turned back and started walking towards home, i could not believe that my husband had just left me without even telling me. I had to travel back to see why did this happen to me , i started crying during the session and actually i was in so much pain and agony that it took alot of time for me to stop crying, after i had calmed down with the help of healing energies that were asked to help me and heal me i travelled back and i saw that My husband and me had met in a university in Chicago, it was a sunny day and i was sitting on grass and studying when he stopped by to ask me a question and further we met and fell in love , after a year we married. After marriage i was having a good job and interestingly this was a very recent life as i would wear formal clothes to office and houses were modern . I was well settled and i was more successful than my husband, he was still struggling, after about 6 months of marriage he got a letter from home and he left to return back soon however he never showed up. I waited for a few months and somehow i found his home address and when i reached there no one was there. I wanted to see why did he have to leave and the answer was that he was earlier married and under family pressure and especially because of his father and former wife he had left me for good. I was hurt , i was really hurt. The next important event was when i saw myself teaching, i had students of all ages and i was very happy and contented, i was a very healthy and active woman though i had greyed. After that i saw an amazing person, (It was a tall building in New York city), i was having tea and discussing some books with one of the greatest spiritual healers of the modern age, whose technique i follow as a healer , i was surprised and immensely happy to know that i have been associated with such a great personality. The next scene was when my husband had come home , he attended a class and after that he wanted to explain to me and apologize, i assured him that he was already forgiven and that i would appreciate if he never comes back. I was asked if there were any significant event and i reached my death time, I was delivering a lecture to a huge audience, as soon as i finished the lecture where i was still at the podium itself i started to feel un easy so i asked a student of mine to take me home, when i reached home i asked him to leave as i knew the time had come, i showered, changed into new clothes in white, sat on my bed, said my prayer and watched myself moving up. It was an amazing experience, peaceful, satisfying and contenting. After my death I guided to light by dr.vandana , the master light was there to heal me. This Past life regression was the most amazing experience and the best gift of my life . thanks dr.vandana ..
Friday, March 10, 2017
Feeling confused about life ----I have a feeling that my father, who died a year back, wants me to do something. A 34 year old married woman came to me and said Dr. Vandana, I am confused about my life as I have a feeling that my father, who was a cancer patient and expired a year back, is around me and is in pain. It has been a year that I constantly feel uncomfortable because of this. Doctor, I want your help to resolve this issue. In this life I cannot trust people. Session I am walking on a kutcha dirt road that ends at the wooden gate of the house. I am a woman inside the home. This house is big. The stairs are going up. There is a room there. An old couple is sitting in the room. There is another room. A couple is inside the room. They have two kids with them. It is night time I am sleeping on a cot in the kitchen. My dress is Rajasthani. It is day time. I am cooking food and serving them. The young couple is taking meals. Now it is afternoon I am working in field. Everyone is working in the field. We are happy. In night again I cook food and sleep in kitchen. We packed everything and left for somewhere in a cart. I am feeling sad. I do not have parents. The old couple kept me with them since I was 16 years of age. They are talking about me. It seems we came very far. The old couple is now talking to a young man. They got me married to him in a very short ceremony. They left me with my husband. I am happy. Now I have a child. Our life is normal. My name is Veero. I call my son Sukha. Now my son is a young man. I feel things are not fine in our area. I am worried about my son. One day lot of riots take place in this area. My son went out and I ran after him. They killed him with a sword in front of me. He is just 21 years of age. We both are very sad now. We are just living for living. I died at the age of 60. My body was cremated by my husband. My last thought was I have lost trust in life. But lesson I learnt was to be kind and forgive. Guided towards the light master light came and asked her to help her father. With the guidance of light the gall bladder area was cleaned and healed. Now after that she felt presence of her father’s higher self and told her that now I am free and he said now he is going in light. She also received a message that when you find time donate grains and throw flowers in Ganges at Hardwar. Master light told you don’t need to panic in any situation in present life. Live peacefully. Reorientation… Dr Vandana, my father had gall bladder carcinoma. In light I felt I am inside energy body of my father and my energy hands are removing blockages from that area that was causing pain to him. Thank you so much for miraculous work and helping me release departed soul of my father to light. God Bless !!!!
Thursday, March 9, 2017
A 42 year old woman had regression eight months back. Her daughter is having Asperger syndrome. In her past life the same soul was her daughter and had similar issue. She told my daughter drains my energy. Why do I have such daughter again and again ? ? ? Session…… I am a 30 year woman looking at my dry field with no crop. I am very sad. Other’s fieldare greenwith crop. Mine is a very small kutcha house. We are poor. My two kids are hungry. I am cooking food. My husband is sitting. He does not work. He is lazy. I work very hard. I see my daughter with someone. I donot feel good. Now my house is big. We are very comfortable. It seems there is marriage at home.My husband is very angrywith my daughter. He throws glass on floor. My daughter is crying. I am with her in another room. It’s evening now.My daughter is running and I am running after her, but she jumps from the height. She died due to head injury (started crying and cried for a long time).My daughter was 16 years old. There was a man of our age who gave us money to build house and live comfortably. In return he wanted to marry my young daughter and we agreed. This was my idea. We were very poor.My daughter was beautiful. I thought we cannot protect her. The boy she used to meet was also very poor. My husband is very sad. Now only our son is with us. I am 45 years now. My son is married and having kids. I am not well, have breathing problem. I am dead. The last thought was I could have saved my daughter. She never wanted to marry that man. We forced her. We could have married her to the boy she used to meet. She requested me so much to let her go but I did not listen to her. My body is cremated. My husband and son are there. My husband is also my present life husband. My son is the son of my brother-in-law in this life. I feel attached to him. It is 18th century Madhya Pradesh. My name was Ishwari. My observation… In this life she has desire to have a son but after the birth her daughter she could not conceive again. Her diagnosis is ovarian failure. So her daughter is single child getting all her attention, care and love in this life.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Past life therapist Solan [HP]..09872880634
What did I do that he came into
my life? Neither he leaves me nor do I leave him.
A 41 year of age woman came to
know what I did that he came into my life? Doctor Vandana, Neither he leaves me nor do I leave him. We
are married for 15 years and have 2 kids.
It is a small village in the
hills. I am taking lunch with my parents & brothers. We are happy. They are
Indian and I am foreigner and very beautiful (I do not know why?). I am twenty
five. I have a job in Delhi. I met a very handsome boy at the airport and we
smiled at each other. This is recent times.
I am at my work place. I am very
hard working. Oh God ! my boss ! he is my present life husband. He frequently calls
me in his chamber. My name is Elena. One day he called me for dinner but I told
him that you are married and left the job. Now I am jobless and live in a small
room. I went to meet that boy at airport. I asked his help for a job. His name
is Avinash. He advised me to get trained
as a pilot as it is easy to find pilot job. I discussed with my parents and
started training. I worked hard and after training I got a job. Me and Avinash
started meeting regularly. I like him a lot. Life is good now.
On day suddenly my ex-boss met me
in a supermarket. He gave me dirty looks. Avinash stopped meeting me after a
month. I searched for him but could not trace him. My ex-boss started stalking me and troubling
me. One day I went to his office and hit him on the head with a log. He started
bleeding. Police was informed. Police took me away. Next day my ex-boss got me
released from the police custody. I found his home address, visited his home
and told his wife everything. My Ex-Boss was also at home and he was looking at
me with anger. Later on I learnt that his wife committed suicide. After few
days the Ex-boss caught me on the way and took me to an isolated place and
raped me. Angered I hit him on the head with a stone. He fell unconscious and
same day I returned back to my home in village. Time passed by now I am 35. My
father is sick and my brothers are not settled yet. We are now in difficult financial
situation. I decided to go back to Delhi. Again searched for Avinash and found
him. He told your ex-boss threatened to kill my parents, so I left the city and
shifted to another place. We started meeting regularly. I started working. My
brothers also got settled. Now I am 40 and we both got married. I gave birth to
a daughter but she died after a year. I am happy.
One day my ex-boss saw me in the
market. I was afraid. Somehow I could run away. I told my husband. We both got
worried. After few weeks, my ex-boss got Avinash killed. Then he came to meet
me and asked me to marry him. I wanted to take revenge so I married him. He
took me to his home after marriage. He takes lot of care of me and my brothers.
As my father expired, he called my mother to live with us. But I hate him.
He had a heart attack. In
hospital I tried to mix some injection in his drug but he survived. He is on a
wheel chair. He has transferred all of his business to me. He had another heart
attack after few months and now he is bed ridden. I put him in a ground floor
room. I place his meals far from him so
that he cannot reach and eat it. I want him to suffer a lot. He pleads for my
forgiveness. My mother started interfering. She took lot of care of him, gave
him good food and he started improving. My mother also tells me to forgive him.
But I could not.
Now I am 50 and not well. My
husband took a lot of care of me. My mother advises me to live in harmony. Now
I do not hate him as much. I pretend everything is normal but inside there is
deep dislikes for him. He loves me a lot and one day he died. I arranged a drink
party at home after his cremation. At 55 years I died in car accident. The
lesson I learnt “Do not hate so much”. Guided to her birth event she told I am
born to a foreigner couple in Goa. They left me in a church and sister from Goa
took me to an orphanage in Delhi, when I was 2 years, for adoption. My father
was very good man. He used to visit orphanage and distributed sweets. He adopted
me. Guided to the light she received blessings from Sai Baba.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Past life regression …single session…she experienced two lives in single session…. Life as ….Dr. Christopher Ben: I was a tall man, wearing brown coat and brown horseriding trousers, i was waiting for a woman in a beautiful garden. She was a girl i loved, from the middle east, we talked and held hand and she promised that she would be back, but something deep inside told me i am not gonna see her again. I was in USA, from a very well to do family, I was a doctor , very learned but later i realized i was a Doctor in Law. I lived in a beautiful mansion type home , it was white with long pillars...I somehow always liked such houses even in my present life. We had horses, and many people who helped us to take care of our property. At home i saw my mother whom till date i have not recognized, two children ..........I knew these children were of my brother and his wife who lived in the same house. After that i cld not see anything for a while and then i saw a supper scene where no one wld talk to each other at supper and later i was in my room , lying on bed and waiting for the next day. When moved to next day, i realized it was my wedding day , i was getting ready and waiting for my bride, who never turned up and instead police was looking for me, with the help of my brother i ran away from there and was hiding in a place which was like a vacation place or farm house for 3-4 months and later i went and surrundered to police. I was jailed .................when i was asked to go back and see the cause of my imprisonment i saw that teh girl i loved was boarding her ship to go to her home in middle east and her cousin who loved her , he had an argument about me with her, and he killed her and threw her in the sea, after the body was discovered , it was thought that i killed her. I was a docterate in Law and yet could not save myself and defend myself . Next scene was near my death, i was taken to be hanged but i was no more afraid....My regret was that how come i could not save myself, when the rope was put around my neck, i told them that my last wish was that i would kick the stool myself and no one shld help me .........suddenly i was happy and smiling , Dr.Vandana asked me why are you smiling and i replied because i did not die of hanging, I died of a heart attack so it means God too knew i was innocent and did not let me die by hanging, i was so happy as my soul consious ness was now aware of me being innocent and was carrying no guilt. When i died i was burried and my grave stone read “ Dr.Christopher Ben” 19....-19.... which meant i died at the age of 38 . After my death i moved up, i was a pure white light and moved up fast, saw all my soulmates again and i had learnt that life is just, no matter what happens God knows everything and he will do Justice. The master soul blessed me and then i knew i had to go back, I did not rest much..... Dr.Raghuvanshi guided me to another life and i moved to another life................... Second past life This time i was in Canada: I was a well dressed and educated man and loved my family, suddenly i saw a scene that there were Riots happening and i picked up both my kids, my son and daughter and was asking my wife to harry up as the villages was being attacked and they were killing people, my wife asked me to take the kids and leave and she would join me , she was supposed to come with the neighbours. I reached the main road and got into a cart/car with my son and daughter but the looks on the man driving that car/cart was very uncomfortable and i was just praying that he drops off to a safe place and has no wrong intentions. After this i saw a scene were i was sad, When i asked to find the cause i realized that it was because i had lost my wife, she never came that day. I was now living with my children and we were in USA, Dr.Vandana asked if i ever had any other woman in life and i replied no, i loved my wife. I was a very well dressed man , a very successful and respected business man yet very sad and aloof. Very lonely! Next i saw was my death scene , i had died a very calm death, i knew it was time for me to go, so i had dressed in my best gray suit, wore my hat and even shoes and lay down in my bed and i was gone. There was ahuge gathering at the church , my children and their families were there too, my daughter had come from some place far away. After i moved up, i was a pure white light, i moved up and i saw my wife, she was my soulmate, waiting for me, we joined each other and master soul blessed us and my soulmate assured me that we would be together in the next life. It was such a blissful feeling ......................Now i knew why i was so scared of moving to Canada, as i had lost a soulmate in that land.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Past life regression to fasten My spiritual journey.... I had to release a block in order to move faster on my spiritual journey. I want take a past life regression session . Dr. Vandana I want my session urgently. I felt detached from everyone else . Session We began the session and i was taken to a state of trance soon enough , I saw myself at a white bench quite immediately after Dr.Vandana used a technique to transfer me to the life i needed to re experience. I immediately knew that I was in Rajasthan , around 17 years of age and watching a family while they were having dinner. A man of about 38 years of age, 2 boys, and an elderly couple, I was watching them and i could feel something in my heart. I was in that family but not a part of them. I was moved further in time , it was sleep time , I was supposed to be sleeping in a kitchen on d floor on a rug instead i saw myself in a room with a wooden carving bed and i knew it was the room that belonged to the man of the house, i was in relation with him and we were to get married. I was very happy that i would soon be the woman of the house. The next scene was when i realized that i was pregnant, And after this scene i could not see anything for a while. I was taken to the delivery time yet I could not visualize anything , at this time i started crying , I never delivered a baby because i was told i could not have a baby, he had lied to me, he would never marry me. [Later on after the session ..At this point Dr.Vanadana told me i had started rubbing the right side of my stomach rigorously , I watched my self hitting myself in the stomach till i lost the baby. I killed my baby.] Next was when i saw myself running away from that place, I had wrapped all my belongings in a piece of cloth that i carried under my left arm. Next scene was when i saw myself working in a place where I was cleaning the place while other women like me would come and talk to a British woman and then sit down on the floor in one room and study. I used to finish work and stand outside the room filled with women and try and see what they do , the English woman eventually allowed me to sit with those women and i started to study. In the next scene i saw myself wearing a nice saree and now i was teaching other poor women. I was no more trying to lower my look , i no more avoided men. I could meet and talk with them without looking ugly and un kept and they respected me. I connected respect with teaching. I was overjoyed and announced that i carried a handbag.(Somehow in all my lives my looks have mattered to me a lot and of course in this life too) I moved forward between the age of 30-35 and i saw myself running a school where there were classes and we had kids studying there, I stayed in a house that was either within the premises of the school or in walking distance. I always wore a saree and tied my hair in a bun. There was no man in my life. Around the age of 38 i met a man who was very well dressed , wore a hat and i felt attracted to him but something inside was telling me i had to stay away. We met at a function at the school and after few months we met again but i decided i had to stop meeting him. He was not good for me. Though i knew i was attracted to him more than he was attracted to me. In a scene i saw myself travelling to England , i went to meet the English lady to thank her( she was my mother in this life), she was very old yet graceful and was very happy to see me grow as a person , i thanked her and came back, it was very fulfilling to meet her again and share my story. I came back and a young woman came back with me , I enjoyed her style of teaching which made our school different from others. I had to learn so much from her. Dr.Vanadana asked me what did i do other than school and teaching , i said i used to read a lot and my favourite book was “ Your Soul Knows...”. I also told her i used to do meditation at sunrise. I visualized myself sitting in a mudhra during sunrise in pure white clothes. I saw myself next in a place where there were only women who wore white clothes and there was a teacher who would teach them yoga. The centre was in a place with very low mountains or hills and it said Yoga but we never did yoga we used to do meditations. Dr.Vandana moved me to the age 55-60. I was reading a lot , i was reading about the soul and trying to purify my soul , by this time i was teaching the meditation technique to other women in that centre. The name suggested Raja Yoga and i was wondering that we all are women and why would the name of our center be Raja Yoga(there was no man). Later on i found out that there is a Raj yoga center for women in rajisthan which is for Brahma Kumaris. At this point i was moved to the age 60-65 and i told her in a very sure voice that i had 7 years to prepare myself to go , between this time period i wanted to prepare to go , i knew i was to go at the age of 67. I had given the charge of the school to the English young lady and would only supervise. Dr.Vandana asked me how did i do the preparation and i told her through long meditations and reading and searching about Soul and purifying my soul. I moved to the time of death , It was early morning , maybe 5 am, i woke up and had a bath , wore pure white but new clothes .I died peacefully.I was called Urma....And it was 18....century. Dr.Vadana asked me how would you describe this life and i said : LEARNING. I moved up very fast , I reached a place of absolute calmness, i recognized my master light . This beautiful light gave me a blessing and i was filled with peace , calmness and joy. I looked around and saw my soulmate, and also the group of soulmates. At this time Mater light blessed my soulmate, me and Dr.Vandana , I thanked him, the Master Soul, Dr.Vandana, my soulmate and all other soulmates and told Dr.Vandana that it was time for me to come back , it felt as if they all were standing to see me off. I felt blessed. I left the clinic telling Dr.Vadana that I am feeling very light.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Surrogate past life regression is possible..
Surrogate Past life Regression…
Session is shared by the person who had this session with me….
Surrogate regression was taken by myself for my brother. Issue for which session was taken was my brother's relationship with a girl from past 7 years, he wanted to marry her but my parents were not ready as they wanted him to first get settled in life and then get married. My brother who left studies after higher secondary
wanted to start a construction bussiness but my father who is a retired person had limited resources and was not well from past few years so cannot help my brother. He wanted that my brother should go abroad, be independent by himself to run a family and then get married but girl's parents were continuously pressurising for marriage. This lead to blame game, as my brother started blaming parents that because of them he is not able to earn and not getting married. My brother started misbheaving with parents and use to threat them that he'll commit suicide. Then I approached Dr. Vandana and she suggested me to take a surrogate regression for my brother.
On the day of regression doctor took me into deep hypnotic trans. Session beginned with seeking permission from my higher self and my brother's higher self to further proceed for PLR. After permission was granted, I was taken to most important past life of my brother which was affecting the present. It was 18th century life, in England. Entered the life as young 5 years old child with curly hair (same as he is having in his present life) and his name was Sam. With entering only into this past life crying beginned. Doctor asked to observe what happened to him. Saw that he was playing a with ball and was happy, then had a fight with young girl who was also playing with him and girl slapped him ( found that young girl to be myself, sister in his past life also, similar fights we had in our present childhood also). In next scene, he was sitting on table and having dinner with father( same father in present life) and was happy, father loves him alot. Next I was asked to observe important event affecting present life. Sam was now 12 or 13 years old sitting on a wooden swing with a girl and holding her hand. Both were in love and the girl was his present life girlfriend also. Doctor asked to see what happens next. In next scene, he was 17 years old boy sitting depressed on chair and suddenly he gets up from chair go towards wooden almirah, opens it and picks up a revolver and shoot himself in his right forehead (in present life also he use to have severe headache on right side). Doctor asked to see why he shot himself and is there someone with him. Saw him lying in a pool of blood in his mother's lap (same mother in present life also) but reason for which he committed suicide was not found. Then doctor said life got over and took Sam's soul to very higher plane and ask to see down in life and find the reason.
Then saw Sam begging before his girlfriend's parents to let him meet her and he wanted to marry her. But they didn't allowed as they wanted him to bring money from home and told him they will marry their daughter to him only when he brings them money, they were greedy. In next scene, he steals money and jewellery from home and gives it to his girlfriend's parents but they wanted him to bring more and didn't allowed him to meet girl (in present life also he use to take money from mother by lying to her that he needs it and then buy expensive gifts for his girlfriend). Sam started remaining depressed, his mother made lot of efforts to make him understand that they are not good people and he should forget about girl as we don't have the amount of money they are asking for but he was adamant that he'll only marry that girl. He goes to his girlfriend's house daily and begs in front of her parents but they didn't said yes to his proposal. After sometime they married their daughter to some rich man and girl was also happy with her husband. After this event Sam was under severe depression and ended his life.
Then Dr.Vandana took the soul to seek master light's guidance. Guidance came that he should go abroad. After guidance healing was given and lot of blackness got released from body of my brother. Dr. Vandana also released all the unwanted chords from his aura.
Then Dr.Vandana took the soul to seek master light's guidance. Guidance came that he should go abroad. After guidance healing was given and lot of blackness got released from body of my brother. Dr. Vandana also released all the unwanted chords from his aura.
Then 2nd life came of a married woman. Husband was present life girlfriend. I was asked to observe important event. Saw husband was hitting wife with a wooden stick. Reason behind was wife didn't brought enough dowry. In next scene, saw husband left the wife and started living with another women. Wife couldn't bear this and ended her life by jumping in a river. After death soul was brought up and healing was given by doctor to release suicidal tendencies which remained in both lifes and in present life also my brother use to threaten parents for ending life himself.
Results: My brother ended up relationship with the girl. Now he understands that his parents were right, respects them more. He has moved abroad now. All of us thank and bless dr.vandana raghuvanshi , for her wonderful work.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi Director Energy Healing Guidance Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist, Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer. Power of Subconscious Mind Trainer Magnified healer and Teacher Crystal Healer Dowsing Teacher and Dowser Teacher for Crystal ball gazing Trainer for Forgiveness World class trainer for how to attract abundance EFT/ ERT[Emotional release therapy ] Trainer Medical Vedic astrologer Writer Chandigarh India. mobile..09872880634 PRACTICE: · Past life regression & hypnotherapy: Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life sessions, past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from master. LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, Inner child healing , Re-Birthing cleansing of present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression, SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy) . As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and disconnection of disharmony cords, removal of negative energy from past life and SRT in past life therapy session · TRAINING COURSES AND WORKSHOP * *Teaching Reiki Level 1,2 Level ,3rd degree (Karuna Reiki), Mastership, Grand mastership magnified healing , Dowsing, EFT (Emotional Release Therapy), Crystal ball gazing , Activation of third eye, Crystal healing, Forgiveness healing, How to attract abundance Workshop Power of Subconscious mind. · Healing: facilties provides..... Successfully doing Aura cleansing & aura healing Distant healing Chakra cleansing, activating, radiating and balancing Pranic healing for endocrine disorder healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc .Karmic healing. Healing as SRT Healing for relationship issues Healing for negative energy removal Healing by three fold flame Healing for group event Emotional release therapy session Healing for home and office for negative energy ALL HEALING ON SKYPE Highly charged amazing quratz/ crystals for all purpose for sale ·
A beautiful Journey: Past Life Regression , everyone will love to read. An interesting regression. Will try to write in short. A young, married women, age30 yrs, married, topper in studies...very beautiful... Looks seems combination of beautiful features...only single session done, three lives covered...instant regression.. .1st life. Year 1140...i am a girl, wearing dear skin cloths, age 25 years, living in Gangotri, an ashram, since childhood, as I am an orphan, but most cared by others in ashram. This ashram is having Shiva statue. I have taken diksha. I am a Brahma Chari. We are going kashi for Kashi Vishwanath Darshan with our head of the ashram. I stayed there, then I went to Lumbvini, it is in Nepal. I stayed and did have siddhiya by tapsya. I am a bhikhshuni... I meditate whole day. I see now we all are going to bless a marriage ceremony in is a very big palace. We are blessing the boy, who is to be married. His name is dhritu. I am 35 year old now. When dhritu saw me, he refused to get married to the other girl. A lot of things are happening. We are coming back. His father is standing with us with folded hand. Some one from us is telling something. Regarding marriage, I am too upset to listen these things. We are leaving the patliputra.but I did not accepted dhritu proposal. But I know, I liked the thought of his love for me. I am varying sad. Meri tapsya bhang ho gayi, toot gayi... now I am in kashi sang math. I am 50 years old. I am head. I am sick. Mera dil me khrabi hay. Breathing problem hai. Dhritu is here to take care math and me. He is still unmarried. He devoted his life for me. (.actually dhritu is my life husband.).......then death...lesson learned...duty is important. 2nd life...... .year.1803 I am a beautiful girl in Palestine area. They are calling me malika. I have four brothers, my father is very rich. I am very much pampered. I am very proud, in nature. An Indian man comes to teach me sitar. Now we love each other. Abbas, my elder brother now know this. I am too sad. Abbas killed my sitar teacher. Sitar teacher was in fact dhritu, of last life; he is my present life husband. I am. Going to Paris for change but not happy. Time is passing. I am not ready to come back. Abbas is sad. He takes so much pains, comes to meet me. His wife also comes. Now I understands my brothers love for me, so I am getting married to some one my family choose. A lot of story......................death. Lesson compassionate. (Two very imp present life people...Abbas, the brother and his son and Ayaa.The mousi in this life. Integrated in this life.) 3rd life i am a girl, 12 year, golden hair, my name is rose. I am on ship with my nanny (caretaker). My mother is dead, so my father is sending me to my grand parents, I am leaving father do some work there. I am growing in beautiful women. I study and good in it. My grandfather is dead. I live with my grand mother and house is beautiful. I am happy, I love someone, and he loves me. Actually (you know... he is the same dhritu& sitar teacher). I am going somewhere. It is big building, it is airport. My friend came to airport to see me off. I am upset. I complained about my father to govt. I think he is a spy. Some Budapest regency...Nazi...these thoughts are coming in mind. Oh, I want to tell my father, what I did. Oh father is here. At airport. He is coming. Ahhhhh. He shot me.i am dead. He killed himself. My lover...he is so sad...lesson. Learned.....i should not have taken a hasty decision .one should make proper inquiry, before any conclusion .he was not a wrong man. I am feeling uselessness now.....very long silence.... After PLR: Reorientation and integration.... Very much scared at airport. Chest problems without medical cause. Chest hurts a lot without any reason. Some azeeb sa birth mark on chest. In this time. Present husband......they met at airport. He came to pick her, official work. Not each was love at first site for both. In this life also uska rokaa ho chukka tha.he refused for that rishta. They got married with efforts of Mamaji of her husband. Mamaji was father of dhritu in year.1140. She feels very much connected with Lahore, London and Paris. Four other relations in present life were in other lives. Conclusion....dhritu (1140), sitar teacher (1803), a friend and love (1932) same person.... all the time and husband in this life... Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi, Chandigarh...09872880634
You Are What You Are! Know the You within U!! Love the real You.... If you want to know the real you, you need to take few past life regression sessions. Often we take decisions that are practical, logical but they still don't feel right, for that you need to know yourself, You need to know the you within You, it is through living from the across the time and space... that you will find WHO YOU REALLY ARE. When we live true to our nature , life supports us and we create success effortlessly aligned and in balance with our purpose and path. We take decisions that not only feel right but give us the best results too, the biggest shift of all is the realization that LIFE IS NOT HAPPENING TO YOU but FOR YOU. Everything you need , you can create and have from within your heart.the heart knows how to give you everything without causing pain or harm to anyone or anything in the universe. You need to know that you are exactly who you need to be at this moment, right here & now, accept that you are enough, more than enough, that you are already WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT....believe that! Believe that there is only one person powerful enough to stop you & there is only one person enough to set you free, YOU! You are so much more than you think you are, there is such a larger you to emerge..... tap into it, say "YES" to it and let it out. This is possible if you understand your purpose of life and soul journey.... Whatever you do you know, and absolutely trust without anyone else needing to affirm - that is good & creative and powerful and important about you. Know that the quality of your movement is a manifestation of the workings of your brain, which determines the quality and vitality of your life. You need to understand and realise that when genuine love and genuine self respect is present within you, you attract love and respect from others too....You then don't have to force people to love you, you don't have to keep proving yourself, you don't have worry that your true worth would not be recognised. You can then set yourself free and let go ! To Know Yourself Past Life Regression Helps...
World renowned past life regression therapist...dr.vandana raghuvanshi
Anger takes its toll. In many ways, it looks like a heightened stress response. It increases our blood pressure & heart rate and cellular inflammatory processes and when it happens too frequently it leads to an increased chance of heart disease, and relationship issue. You can contact us for therapy for anger, panic attack, depression and anxiety.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Past life recall can give us valuable insights into our past, present, and future lives. The knowledge of how we lived before can help us overcome present obstacles, understand phobias, and resolve relationship issues. The past life regression therapists can guide you on your journey backward in time.
Monday, February 13, 2017
A PLR Session report , person sharing with all of you.... I went to dr.vandana raghuvanshi, a past life therapist in Chandigarh and told her that I wanted to experience a perfect life and bring back those qualities in my life We started with the session, as soon as i was in the hypnotic state i saw as a woman in my mid early 30s, i was wearing everything in white, beige and off white colour, i was wearing a pleated skirt, a shirt with front frills , and a hat too. I was looking at a building and it seemed i was formally dressed for some work. I reached the top floor of the building and i could see that it was a clinic and i was a doctor. I was a gynaecologist , i could see expecting women in the room and i was examining them. Next was when i was instructed to see at home , It was supper time , my husband , a handsome man with brown hair and moustaches was sitting at the table , we had two kids, a son and a daughter about the age of 7 & 9. I worked at home too , it seemed i cooked and cleaned myself. My name at the clinic board read Dr. Henna Henry Matheson. My husband’s name was Henry Matheson and he was a doctor too. Next scene was that I saw myself painting and teaching young kids . It was a very fulfilling activity , i was very happy and contented doing that . I said I am happy , this is what i love as a doctor i have earned respect but that profession does not give me happiness , i want to do more than just going to my clinic. I regressed further and i saw myself in my mid 50s, I was painting and i had a sizable studio , I loved what i was doing , I said i have quit as a doctor and now i only paint and i love it , I have become known for my paintings and i have a studio now. I am still equally respected. She asked me to see what my husband was doing , I saw that my husband was no more and my kids were away to other cities for their schooling . My husband had died of TB, i saw him at the time of his death , he was coughing blood and he eventually passed away. When i further regressed i saw myself at a gathering , I was not amongst the guests , my son and my daughter were sitting at the front row when my name was called , i reached the podium and it seemed that i was given a life achievement award by a the mayor of my city , it was for the charity hospital i had opened after my late husband. Dr.Vandana asked me where is this place , you would know and my answer was this has to be England , as there is no sense of fashion and people wear such boring clothes. I still wonder why did i say something like that ? The next was the scene of my death , i knew that it was the time so i wore near clean clothes and sat on my bed , and i departed . It was a very beautiful and peaceful death . When i looked from above i said this was my dream life , i had a perfect home , a warm family , my husband loved me , I was recognised for both my profession and my passion and people knew me as an artist , I did charity and my work was recognised and honoured. This is my dream life.Further i moved up , i was a bright white light , I saw my master Soul and the group of souls. I went to the master soul to pay respect and thank him for such a wonderful journey . I got his blessings and then it was time to come back.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Through past-life regression, Dr. Brian Weiss says it's possible to heal—and grow—your mind, body and soul, as well as strengthen your present-day relationships. He says one of the most common signs of a past life is déjà vu—the sensation that you have met a person before or have visited someplace previously. Sometimes, this déjà vu feeling is a sign of a past life with a particular person or in a specific place.
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Lack of Trust and Past life link. A 32 year unmarried woman having relationship for last five years . She came for past life regression to know “ Why don’t I have family life?”. The person whom I want to marry is already married.She said Dr. Vandana , I don’t trust anyone. Session….. I am a girl of 7 years of age and not happy. I am a Hindu. My mother calls me Imerti. It seems to be 1919 India. I am 20 years old wearing Red colored Sari, getting married. I am not beautiful. I am happy to get married. After few years I have a son. Now sometimes my husband fights with me. He tries to explain something but I don’t want to understand. (He is the same person to whom I wish to get married in this present life.) I am disturbed. I don’t trust him. My son is 14 now and my husband has left me. He went with another woman. (That woman is his wife in present life). My son is now 24, getting married. I am happy. I am getting old. I have grey hair. My husband has returned back because other woman died. I have natural death. I have been cremated. My whole family was with me. Lesson learnt----Have patience, who so ever is yours, will come back to you !
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
REGRESSION THERAPIES AVAILABLE AT CHANDIGARH PAST LIFE THERAPY CENTER · >Past life regression & hypnotherapy: Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life sessions, > past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from master. > LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, Inner child healing, >Re-Birthing cleansing of present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression, >SRT (Spirit Rel-easement Therapy) . >As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and disconnection of disharmony cords, removal of negative energy from past life and SRT in past life therapy session > NLP therapy for nail biting, bed wetting, goal setting, eating disorders and to increase confidence and NLP for sports person. > Hypnotherapy for phobia, alcohol, addictions, anxiety, stammering, stage fright, insomnia
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Solan [H P] Past Life Regression
A beautiful Journey: Past Life Regression , everyone will love to read.
An interesting regression. Will try to write in short. A young, married women, age30 yrs, married, topper in studies...very beautiful... Looks seems combination of beautiful features...only single session done, three lives covered...instant regression..
An interesting regression. Will try to write in short. A young, married women, age30 yrs, married, topper in studies...very beautiful... Looks seems combination of beautiful features...only single session done, three lives covered...instant regression..
.1st life.
Year 1140...i am a girl, wearing dear skin cloths, age 25 years, living in Gangotri, an ashram, since childhood, as I am an orphan, but most cared by others in ashram. This ashram is having Shiva statue. I have taken diksha. I am a Brahma Chari. We are going kashi for Kashi Vishwanath Darshan with our head of the ashram. I stayed there, then I went to Lumbvini, it is in Nepal. I stayed and did have siddhiya by tapsya. I am a bhikhshuni... I meditate whole day. I see now we all are going to bless a marriage ceremony in is a very big palace. We are blessing the boy, who is to be married. His name is dhritu. I am 35 year old now. When dhritu saw me, he refused to get married to the other girl. A lot of things are happening. We are coming back. His father is standing with us with folded hand. Some one from us is telling something. Regarding marriage, I am too upset to listen these things. We are leaving the patliputra.but I did not accepted dhritu proposal. But I know, I liked the thought of his love for me. I am varying sad. Meri tapsya bhang ho gayi, toot gayi... now I am in kashi sang math. I am 50 years old. I am head. I am sick. Mera dil me khrabi hay. Breathing problem hai. Dhritu is here to take care math and me. He is still unmarried. He devoted his life for me.
(.actually dhritu is my life husband.).......then death...lesson learned...duty is important.
2nd life......
.year.1803 I am a beautiful girl in Palestine area. They are calling me malika. I have four brothers, my father is very rich. I am very much pampered. I am very proud, in nature. An Indian man comes to teach me sitar. Now we love each other. Abbas, my elder brother now know this. I am too sad. Abbas killed my sitar teacher. Sitar teacher was in fact dhritu, of last life; he is my present life husband. I am. Going to Paris for change but not happy. Time is passing. I am not ready to come back. Abbas is sad. He takes so much pains, comes to meet me. His wife also comes. Now I understands my brothers love for me, so I am getting married to some one my family choose. A lot of story......................death. Lesson compassionate.
(Two very imp present life people...Abbas, the brother and his son and Ayaa.The mousi in this life. Integrated in this life.)
3rd life
i am a girl, 12 year, golden hair, my name is rose. I am on ship with my nanny (caretaker). My mother is dead, so my father is sending me to my grand parents, I am leaving father do some work there. I am growing in beautiful women. I study and good in it. My grandfather is dead. I live with my grand mother and house is beautiful. I am happy, I love someone, and he loves me. Actually (you know... he is the same dhritu& sitar teacher). I am going somewhere. It is big building, it is airport. My friend came to airport to see me off. I am upset. I complained about my father to govt. I think he is a spy. Some Budapest regency...Nazi...these thoughts are coming in mind. Oh, I want to tell my father, what I did. Oh father is here. At airport. He is coming. Ahhhhh. He shot me.i am dead. He killed himself. My lover...he is so sad...lesson. Learned.....i should not have taken a hasty decision .one should make proper inquiry, before any conclusion .he was not a wrong man. I am feeling uselessness now.....very long silence....
After PLR: Reorientation and integration....
Very much scared at airport. Chest problems without medical cause. Chest hurts a lot without any reason.
Some azeeb sa birth mark on chest. In this time.
Present husband......they met at airport. He came to pick her, official work. Not each was love at first site for both. In this life also uska rokaa ho chukka tha.he refused for that rishta. They got married with efforts of Mamaji of her husband. Mamaji was father of dhritu in year.1140.
She feels very much connected with Lahore, London and Paris.
Four other relations in present life were in other lives.
Conclusion....dhritu (1140), sitar teacher (1803), a friend and love (1932) same person.... all the time and husband in this life...
Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi, Chandigarh...09872880634
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