Past Life Regression , Life Between Lives Regression, Age regression, Inner child healing, regression on Skype by Dr.Vandana Rraghuvanshi phone 09872880634
Sunday, November 17, 2013
SRT [Spirit releasement therapy ] in Chandigarh, India
Past Life Therapy and It's Uses in Present Life....Practitioners of Past life Therapy in Chandigarh, India...09872880634
Many times the symptoms we feel are said to be “all in your head” . If there are no physiological or psychology reasons for the issue, then past-life exploration would be a wonderful way to uncover cell memory of a past trauma. Often a Past Life Regression can reveal the “root cause” of a present symptom, injury or chronic illness. A fear of water could be related to a drowning in a past-life. Birthmarks and deformities could be the physical point of entrance in the body at the time death, such as a stabbing or gun shot wound.Often a Past Life Regression can reveal the “root cause” of a present symptom, injury or chronic illness. A fear of water could be related to a drowning in past life and can be associated with breathlessness and fits in present life.Past Life Regression Therapy - Going back to your previous lives to move ahead ...can help resolve karma, improve relationships, helps to find root causes of diseases and bring your personal wellness...
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